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Host your server for free! (Google Cloud)


Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
This will show you how to obtain a free google cloud server.
Google has a free trial of their Google Cloud servers. You need a credit card to sign up though. Once the free trial runs out (you get 2 months), you can just make a new account and repeat.

1. Navigate to https://console.developers.google.com
2. Create a new developer account
3. Create a new project - the name and ID don't matter as they are for your reference only.

4. In the overview of your project, click Compute and then VM instances.
5. Create a new VM,
- Make sure you scroll down and select 13gb 2 core processor
Wait a few minutes for the VM to be created.
6. Click the Connect RDP button

7. When connected, download the Java and upload your server!
This will give you host access for free!

8) For people having trouble logging in

1. Click on the instance you have created then sroll down and there will be a button that says "set password" click that and set a password and you will be able to log in

9) For people having trouble opening ports
1. Make sure you do tcp & udp and also add to firewall

Thanks to Smouthas for the discovery.


Gold Supporter
Epic Member
We're already bein illegal n shit with hosting private servers, so why not extend it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If we ever extended ourselves to spoof credit cards we would most likely draw more attention from the law enforcers... While wow private server stuff won't draw much attention