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Hiring anti-cheat coder (Cmangos classic) - PAID


Trial Member
For my server project i'm in need of a c++ developer. Below you will find the details for the project:

-You need to have experience developing for the cmangos/mangos core.
-The anti-cheat need to check some default hacks like Speedhack/Flyhack/Noclip. Most other hacks for WoW are memory hacks, online you can find some info about Warden although this is far from completed.
-The world of warcraft version I will be running is 1.12.1 (Vanilla)
-The anti-cheat needs to do specific actions based on the kind of hack (kick or ban). All of these actions needs to be saved to a SQL database.

If you need any information, please message me. I'm not a c++ developer myself, nor have I ever developed for cMangos. That's why experience with developing for cmangos is really preferred.

PM me here for details, or add me on skype - Xeriuk. We can discuss the price


Mythical User
Senior User
Send a PM to me or add me on Skype.

I'm trying to improve my anti cheat on my 4.3.4 source warden is to outdated and need's to be improved upon. What i'm looking for is a anti cheat nearly as good as warmane's. The source I'm using is emucoach 4.3.4.
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