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Hillsbrad foothills quests V11


Verified Member
Tennessee, USA
[Location, Faction, Race] Hillsbrad foothills (sludge fields and ruins of southshore), Horde, Blood elf
[Name, Type] sludge fields and Kingslayer Orkus
[Problem Description] cutscenes do not play, and "follower" NPCs do not spawn correctly
[How it should work] quests should progress normally with cutscenes. "Follower NPC" should spawn and remain available for quest chain flow

Basically all quests involving cut scenes or temporary followers are not working correctly. For example, Once Kingslayer Orkus steps out of the water and calls Kasha in the ruins of southshore he just disappears. Upon using GM commands he reappears to start the next quest. once accepted the cutscene does not play and the NPC disappears which again requires GM commands as a work around.

(my first bug report) sorry if there is not enough information. It seems to only be the interactive/ unique style of quests introduced in Cataclysm that are having these bugs.