Michael IO
Trial Member
- 2
- 2017
- 0

many forms such as EXE, JAR, and all is downloadable in ZIP form.[/SIZE]

Heroscape BETA client v5.0

Max cape

Spirit tree transportation

Grand exchange

Citadel home area

Spell/Prayer book switch at citadel

Ardougne thieving stalls

Barbarian agility

Essence mining (Runecrafting)

Fishing guild



Summoning (pets)



Summoning (Altar)

Living rock cavern

Random events

Jad fight caves




Soul wars

Donator zone

Alien Abductions

-All skills working!
-All miasmic spells
-All ancient spells
-Donator store
-Chrystal bow
-Loyalty store
-Random events!
-Charm drops
-Warriors guild
-Pest Control
-Castle wars
-Clan wars
-One click screenshot
-Full slayer monsters
-Perfect Runescape like switching
-Perfect clipped combat
-"Combo" foods
-Instant special (For granite maul)
-Wilderness ditch
-Friends/clan chat
-Price Checker
-Equipment tab
-Bones on altar
-Wilderness bosses
-Spirit Tree
-Donator Rank
-Achievement Point shop
-Full grand exchange
-PK Shop
-All skill capes
-Max & completionist Capes
-Chrystal chest
- Highscores
-Nex Armour (Repairing with bob)
-Akrisae brothers
-Really good combat system
-Kalphite queen
-Taverly dungeon obstacle
-Ape atoll skeletons (Multi)
-1 click teleporting with talismans to runecrafting altars
-Onyx necklace enchanting
-Trees in edgeville
-Living rock cavern
-Dragonkin lamps
-Ring of stone
-Tinderbox drops
-Barrows armour (Repairing at bob)
-Void armour & barrow gloves
-Ardougne cloak
-Slayer tasks
-Ancient effigies
-safe spotting in barrows
-Donator zone
-Skillcapes (And boosting)
-Ring of dueling
-Grand exchange
-Grand exchange set exchanging
-Dice Dueling
-Purple Sweets
-Mystic Mud Staff
-Birds nests
-Mystic staffs & battlestaffs
-Defensive casting
-Vine whip special
-Infinity & Mages book
-Wisdom aura
-Fight caves
-Equipment Interface
-Clue Scrolls
-Fremenik slayer dungeon
-Falador mining resource dungeon
-Tzhaar City
-Dragon fire shield (And special)
-Deposit X
-Level up dialogue with icon for skill

[ADMIN=Server Features/Details]- Hyperion [Graham] Base
- Quick item switching
- Home
- Grand exchange, Equipment Sets
- Gold/Donator Reward, Vote Point Exchange, Stealing Creation Rewards,
- Dueling Arena, Pest Control, Castle wars, Soul Wars, Soul Creation
- Quests, Clan chat, Friends Chat, Normal prayers, Quick prayers, Ancient mage, Lunar mage, Emote tab, Summoning
- Citadel
- Equipment Tab
- All Skills, Magic, Woodcutting, Theiving, Summoning, Skillcapes
- GodWars Dungeon

- Quick item switching
- Home

- Grand exchange, Equipment Sets

- Gold/Donator Reward, Vote Point Exchange, Stealing Creation Rewards,

- Dueling Arena, Pest Control, Castle wars, Soul Wars, Soul Creation

- Quests, Clan chat, Friends Chat, Normal prayers, Quick prayers, Ancient mage, Lunar mage, Emote tab, Summoning

- Citadel

- Equipment Tab

- All Skills, Magic, Woodcutting, Theiving, Summoning, Skillcapes

- GodWars Dungeon

There are many more features, come and see!
[ADMIN=Website Features]

- Content Management System
- Old school RS news system
- Clan system
- MikeRSWeb Remake (Script preserved from '09)
- Forums
- Donation ticket system
- Downloads page
- Signature & Avatar
- Forgotten Password
- Email registration system (You dont need to confirm email tho)
- Private messaging system
- Friends list
- Donator points system
- Player search
- Highscores
and more!![/ADMIN]

Picture taken on Sat, november 29th. 2009
Click here to view the 2009 project thread