Hello, I'm Uldirone, and french, and i would like do a fun server for me and my friends, but i don't understand how do the files .sql in my DB, I d'ont know where put my .sql, in "auth"? "characters"? .... View attachment Capture.PNG (i'm in 4.3.4)
Check your Auth.config file and make sure, "Bind IP", is set to "". If that doesn't help. Then make sure you have the directories in order, Example being:
MAPS/VMAP/MMAPS/DBC/_SERVER. Should all be in your Core folder. Then try to run. Emucoach will run flawlessly from the first time you extract all the files accordingly. I've never had an auth server crash.
Definitely make sure you have all the required software install. You'll find it in your repack.