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[HELP] Cannot stream required archive data.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hey, all!

I've gotten my server up and running for local, offline play, and the client connects fine and is playable. My issue is I'm wanting to set this up for purely offline play (just a preference). My problem is, my client only starts when the internet is on, and gives a 'Cannot stream required archive data. Please check the network connection' message when the internet connection is turned off. The client was downloaded fully (11gb) so I'm not sure what it would need to stream. Did I pick a download that required extra files to be downloaded? If so, do I need to change the realmlist.wtf back to defaults, or what's the fix required?

Thanks in advance,
- CaptainCrutch


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hey, ExO,

I've changed nothing with the client except changing the realmlist.wtf to have my local IP as both the realmlist and patchlist setting, and deleting the WTF folder upon first launch so it will connect to my server. I've taken a look at that thread previously and nothing worked, so I wondered if people here might've known a solution. Any other suggestions? Else, I'll try downloading another client, I guess...
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