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Hellscream is Recruiting a Strong Team for a Long-Term Creative Project


Trial Member
Garrosh, our flagship realm, is a PVE Blizzlike Wrath+ realm that gives players access to a multitude of content at level 80 including a complete selection of heroic dungeons and raids, new quests, recipes, items, reputations and so much more. Our mission is to revitale Azeroth, Outlands and Northrend without disturbing the existing content fo the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

Our team has a long way to go before all of Azeroth, Outlands and Northrend is truly revitalized, so we are always looking to add creative, experienced and passionate members to our staff.

  • User Interface Dev to update all in-game interfaces to current and more
  • Noggit world builder to find unused areas of the map to create new adventures
  • SAI db scripting Dev to create quests, spells, items, boss fights and more
  • C++/Lua/SQL Dev to create custom toys, fix bugs, move values to the DB for quick modding and overall improve the project
  • Marketing Manager to handle all aspects of promotion from the website to social media.
  • Moderators and GameMasters
  • Volunteer or contract
Serious inquiries only, if you'd be interested in joining the team and have experience with any aspect of wow private servers, reach out and let's chat. I'd love to hear from you.

Reach out to KingKhulgar#8079 on discord.

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