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Hello, everyone!


Verified Member
I'm new here and it's amazing what this community has to offer. I started playing WoW a few weeks ago since I got bored of League of Legends. After reaching Gold i got fed up with all the toxic players there, so here i am! First question: Is there an equivalent for "For the Horde!"? I love the Night Elfs, so "For the Alliance!" it is until you tell me what the usual phrase is, if there is one XD


Hi and welcome! Hope you will enjoy your stay :) I used to be a Hon player if you know the game? (Similar to LoL)


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hello there. I am also new to the community. I haven't been in one before so I thought I would give it a go after this one was suggested to me. I am glad to find someone who actually plays Alliance because for some reason I can only find Horde players.


Gold Supporter
Hi everyone! Glad to be here, and I want to give a shout out to the devs for all the great work you guys do (my paypal account will also give a shout out ;) )

Also, Horde player. Bring on the hate. :cool:


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hi everyone! Glad to be here, and I want to give a shout out to the devs for all the great work you guys do (my paypal account will also give a shout out ;) )

Also, Horde player. Bring on the hate. :cool:

No hate man. Just respect. I don't think that this is that kind of community. XD Though I am curious. Do you have a specific kind of Horde Character or just Horde in general?


Gold Supporter
No hate man. Just respect. I don't think that this is that kind of community. XD Though I am curious. Do you have a specific kind of Horde Character or just Horde in general?

Yeah, I was just messing around with that. These days I respect anybody who still keeps the faith with WoW.

As far as my preferences go, I'm definitely a big fan of orcs (stemming from my time with the Warhammer 40K Tabletop games -- I even still have some of my Ork figurines lined around my office). I used to play a warrior and tank for my guild (a real tiny guild, we didn't raid seriously) back in the day, and I fell out of playing WoW. That said, I've played plenty of Alliance toons -- I just always end up back on Horde one way or another.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Yeah, I was just messing around with that. These days I respect anybody who still keeps the faith with WoW.

As far as my preferences go, I'm definitely a big fan of orcs (stemming from my time with the Warhammer 40K Tabletop games -- I even still have some of my Ork figurines lined around my office). I used to play a warrior and tank for my guild (a real tiny guild, we didn't raid seriously) back in the day, and I fell out of playing WoW. That said, I've played plenty of Alliance toons -- I just always end up back on Horde one way or another.

That's really cool. Usually I'd play Human Paliden or Worgen Druid. But I also enjoy playing the Blood Elves. So when it comes to the sides, I'll just play on whichever I feel like playing at the moment. As far as WoW retail, I could never keep up with the payments so I never got far enough for raiding. But I do play other similar RPG when I can. TBH I don't really know how this comunity runs, So I'm just kinda winging this.


Gold Supporter
That's really cool. Usually I'd play Human Paliden or Worgen Druid. But I also enjoy playing the Blood Elves. So when it comes to the sides, I'll just play on whichever I feel like playing at the moment. As far as WoW retail, I could never keep up with the payments so I never got far enough for raiding. But I do play other similar RPG when I can. TBH I don't really know how this comunity runs, So I'm just kinda winging this.

Good stuff; for what it's worth, I'm right there with you. I guess it depends on what your goals are: for me at least, I'd like to learn the ins and outs of standing up a WoW server -- I love this game and I would love the chance to really get into the nuts and bolts of how it all works. Maybe after that I'll look at hosting something for others to play on.

I would say keep winging it and try to have fun with it. ;)


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Good stuff; for what it's worth, I'm right there with you. I guess it depends on what your goals are: for me at least, I'd like to learn the ins and outs of standing up a WoW server -- I love this game and I would love the chance to really get into the nuts and bolts of how it all works. Maybe after that I'll look at hosting something for others to play on.

I would say keep winging it and try to have fun with it. ;)

I am looking forward to doing so. I think that is also why I joined, a friend of mine has the Cata server that these guys made and he showed me some of how it works. Though I'd like to learn how to do it myself because I have dabbled in programming before. But never something this advanced. And to have a server of your very own is a bewildering thought. If you do end up hosting a server, Let me know. I would also like to learn how to do that.