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hell welcome to darkness falls wow


Veteran Member
Verified Member
we are a 3.3.5 server if you would like to join us there is not many players
we are very new but are looking for testers players staff that may be willling to help
we need scirpters if you would like to join us or just join the community go here https://darknessfallswow.createaforum.com/index.php we are a role play wow server
but is not forced just encouraged


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The Netherlands
Just a few helpful tips..

1) You should improve your English on posts like this, it won't 'invite' people onto your server.
2) Buy a domain name -> darknessfalswow.com for example.
3) Browsed through your website and it seems like you need registration scripts. I'll refer you kindly to these Google search results found here. Owning or even developing anything (in this case, WoW server) requires you to have a decent ammount of skills. If i were you, take a look at some basic web design HTML/CSS/PHP tutorials.

If you are in need of any tips or help, you can post a message and i'll try to help you out! :)
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