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[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars


[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

This guide shows you the exact steps to save your characters and accounts from a previous version of Emucoach Cataclysm Repack, for example the free version or an older VIP version, to the newest offered VIP version.

1) Download a database client by clicking here and setup the program.
2) Launch your existing _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and characters you would like to save.
3) Open HeidiSQL, and as hostname use, username: root, password: ascent, and port 3306


4) Export the auth database
You can do so by right clicking on the auth database name (like mine is emucoach_v14_vip_auth), and press.
After doing so, this window will appear:


5) Your settings should now look like this ^^, and then you should press Export. Now note down where you exported the sql data file to.

6) Now do the exact same thing, just with the character database.

7) Now close the _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and chars, AND then open the new _Server folder and MySQL you downloaded from the newest VIP version, where they are not saved.
8) Open up the database client (HeidiSQL) again. Now drop the auth database, and press OK.

You can do so, by right clicking on the auth database.


9) Now create a new database called the same as the new auth and char databases you downloaded and dropped (version 14 auth = emucoach_v14_vip_auth), by right clicking on the white space in the left side and press Create new -> Database and enter the name (emucoach_v14_vip_auth)

10) Select the auth database you just created, by clicking on it, and press on the Explore button (CTRL+ O), and find the auth database sql file that we backed up at step 6-7 and import it.

11) Do the exact same thing starting from Step 4.


12) Execute this into your Char DB:

13) Execute this into your Auth DB:

Your auth and character databases are now running from the earlier version is now running on the VIP version!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the thread below!


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Updated for Version 13. Let me know if it's too complex, and I will try to sum it down further.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I done it. I forgot to change ; Data >>> INSERT

thx for helping. :good:

(When I tried thouse after doesnt work authserver.exe ): and i couldnt see under in account column any acocounts ( just emty).

What did I mistake ): )

Thx, best
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Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I couldn`t before many times. but when I focusing options after i saw my problem. Maybe you did same, therefore i try to show should change section on the picture. i hope going to work .insert.jpg


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I'm attempting to migrate the database from Cataclysm V7 to V12. I've exported the 'auth' and 'char' databases from V7 as SQL files and imported them into V12.

At first, the V12 'authserver' complained of a missing 'accounts.token_key' column which I fixed using 'ALTER TABLE `account` ADD COLUMN `token_key` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `s`;' and the V12 'authserver' now runs.

However, now the V12 'worldserver' won't run. The 'Server.log' file says 'Cannot connect to Character database;3380;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_char' although I can see the 'emucoach_v12_vip_char' database is there and has the migrated tables and data in it. I don't understand why migrating the contents of V7's 'char' database into V12 would stop V12's 'worldserver' from even connecting to the database. (Note: I am using port '3380' instead of '3306' to avoid clashes between versions of MySQL, but this didn't cause a problem before the migration, and doesn't cause a problem when I reinstate the original V12 databases.)

Any ideas on how I may make some progress with this? Thanks!


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I'm attempting to migrate the database from Cataclysm V7 to V12. I've exported the 'auth' and 'char' databases from V7 as SQL files and imported them into V12.

At first, the V12 'authserver' complained of a missing 'accounts.token_key' column which I fixed using 'ALTER TABLE `account` ADD COLUMN `token_key` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `s`;' and the V12 'authserver' now runs.

However, now the V12 'worldserver' won't run. The 'Server.log' file says 'Cannot connect to Character database;3380;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_char' although I can see the 'emucoach_v12_vip_char' database is there and has the migrated tables and data in it. I don't understand why migrating the contents of V7's 'char' database into V12 would stop V12's 'worldserver' from even connecting to the database. (Note: I am using port '3380' instead of '3306' to avoid clashes between versions of MySQL, but this didn't cause a problem before the migration, and doesn't cause a problem when I reinstate the original V12 databases.)

Any ideas on how I may make some progress with this? Thanks!

The solution turned out to be a missing 'character_npcbot' table. I should've checked the 'DBErrors.log'... which if I'd known about it at the time, I would have. ;)

The missing table can be created in the '...char' database using the 'CREATE TABLE' query in the following forum post:

Character Migration to Npcbot Version Emucoach repack


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I am having the issue

"Starting up EmuCoach Repack - v13 - VIP, powered by Emucoach, with playerbots included
Support, Updates & Information can get found at - EmuCoach | World of Warcraft Emulation | WoW Private Servers
Currently running: EmuCoach Repack v13 - PAID VERSION
EmuCoach - World of Warcraft Emulation Forum, providing Cataclysm and MOP repacks!
DatabasePool emucoach_v12_vip_world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_world"

This happened after migrating from v12 to v13.
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Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I am having the issue

"Starting up EmuCoach Repack - v13 - VIP, powered by Emucoach, with playerbots included
Support, Updates & Information can get found at - EmuCoach | World of Warcraft Emulation | WoW Private Servers
Currently running: EmuCoach Repack v13 - PAID VERSION
EmuCoach - World of Warcraft Emulation Forum, providing Cataclysm and MOP repacks!
DatabasePool emucoach_v12_vip_world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors.
Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;ascent;emucoach_v12_vip_world"

This happened after migrating from v12 to v13.

It looks like the world server has been configured to expect the world database schema to be called 'emucoach_v12_vip_world' rather than 'emucoach_v13_vip_world'. Did you copy your 'worldserver.conf' file from V12 to V13? The settings in 'worldserver.conf' that tell the world server which database schemas to use are 'LoginDatabaseInfo', 'WorldDatabaseInfo' and 'CharacterDatabaseInfo'. In the case of the message you're seeing, it looks like at least the 'WorldDatabaseInfo' isn't correct.

When migrating account and character data between V12 and V13, it's possibly best just to export the tables within the 'auth' and 'char' database schemas rather than the whole schemas in order to keep the schema names correct for V13.

Also, it may be a good idea to use the unaltered 'worldserver.conf' that came in the V13's 'Release' zip as a starting point to make sure that works before making too many config file changes.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
It looks like the world server has been configured to expect the world database schema to be called 'emucoach_v12_vip_world' rather than 'emucoach_v13_vip_world'. Did you copy your 'worldserver.conf' file from V12 to V13? The settings in 'worldserver.conf' that tell the world server which database schemas to use are 'LoginDatabaseInfo', 'WorldDatabaseInfo' and 'CharacterDatabaseInfo'. In the case of the message you're seeing, it looks like at least the 'WorldDatabaseInfo' isn't correct.

When migrating account and character data between V12 and V13, it's possibly best just to export the tables within the 'auth' and 'char' database schemas rather than the whole schemas in order to keep the schema names correct for V13.

Also, it may be a good idea to use the unaltered 'worldserver.conf' that came in the V13's 'Release' zip as a starting point to make sure that works before making too many config file changes.

I am so dumb, I forgot to copy over the v13 worldserver.cof. Thank you for pointing that out for me.


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
[GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

This guide shows you the exact steps to save your characters and accounts from a previous version of Emucoach Cataclysm Repack, for example the free version or an older VIP version, to the newest offered VIP version.

1) Download a database client by clicking here and setup the program.
2) Launch your _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and characters you would like to save.
3) Open HeidiSQL, and as hostname use, username: root, password: ascent


4) Export the auth database


5) Your settings should now look like this ~~, and then you should press Export.


6) Now do the exact same thing, just with the character database.

7) Now close the _Server folder (Portable database server), where you have the current accounts and chars, AND then open the new one from the newest VIP version, where they are not saved.
8) Open up the database client (HeidiSQL) again. Now drop the auth database, and press OK.


9) Now create a new database called the same (version 11 = emucoach_v11_vip_auth), by right clicking on the white space in the left side and press Create new -> Database and enter the name (emucoach_v11_vip_auth)
10) Select the auth database by clicking on it, and press on the Explore button, and find the auth database that we backed up at step 6-7 and import it.


11) Do the exact same thing starting from Step 4.

Your auth and character databases are now running from the earlier version is now running on the VIP version!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the thread below!

@ExO , would you be able to update the images or create a Youtube video for this tutorial? I was trying to migrate my server from V13 to V13.1, but noticed that I need to images for steps that are like "Your setting should now look like this". Thanks a bunch for all that you do! :3
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