GoldenFury Legion Blizzlike
Hello everybody! GoldenFury World of Warcraft is a legion blizzlike server, with a community growing by the day.
We provide 1 - 10 xp rates, x2 drop rate on rare items and up, yet leaving commons and uncommon as +1 to try to keep your questing experience more blizzlike. As a community, our main focus will be on legion endgame.
We are currently looking for Core Developers, SQL Developers, Quality Assurance, and Skill/Talents Developers. Our goal is to provide a community that people have not had in bigger servers. We want to bring out the best in the community with professional staff members, and dedicated leaders. Staff members will be payed through Donation currency on our website. When we can afford to pay staff members for there time and effort, paying staff members will be implemented.
Hello everybody! GoldenFury World of Warcraft is a legion blizzlike server, with a community growing by the day.
We provide 1 - 10 xp rates, x2 drop rate on rare items and up, yet leaving commons and uncommon as +1 to try to keep your questing experience more blizzlike. As a community, our main focus will be on legion endgame.
We are currently looking for Core Developers, SQL Developers, Quality Assurance, and Skill/Talents Developers. Our goal is to provide a community that people have not had in bigger servers. We want to bring out the best in the community with professional staff members, and dedicated leaders. Staff members will be payed through Donation currency on our website. When we can afford to pay staff members for there time and effort, paying staff members will be implemented.
Quality Assurance - [1/4]
C++ Developer - [0/2]
MySQL Developer - [2/3]
Skills/Talent Developer - [0/1]
MySQL Developer
As a MySQL developer, your job is of course to attend to bugs on our bug tracker regarding Quests, NPCs, and SmartAI scripts.
Skills/Talents Developer
As a Skills/Talents developer, you can either choose to attend to bug reports regarding Spells, or Talents. Or both. Considering Ashmanecore has lot's of spells and talents bugs to fix, this is a very crucial position to our server.
C++ Developer
As a C++ Developer, your job will require you to be familiar with Trinitycore scripts. You will be attending to bugs regarding Legion End-Game instances, and other scripts around the server.
Game Master
As a Game Master, your job will require you to have technical knowledge of World of Warcraft. You will need to know all of Trinitycore based commands, and be able to follow a certain set of rules. You will be in charge of responding to tickets, investigating exploiters/hackers, handling Reported Players as well as Ban Appeals, and testing our realm when you have the time of course. You will need to be fluent in the English Language, and uphold a professional attitude at all times as well as possess the ability to push your personal feelings aside in any given situation.
Graphics Designer