Activating the phase spell 59073 or 59074 can put a heavy load on your server all at once. And if your running the server on the same computer as the game, It can be too much for it to handle. Sometimes it even does it when your running the server on a separate computer. On the other hand, The Cataclysm client does not handle a mass change very well in some locations, This was known on retail as well.
I use a gm to move my character back from the building, And then after clearing my cache folder I try it again.
One thing I did notice was a game client that I had used previously on other private servers crashed a lot. But after installing a fresh client, By using wowzealots installer, My crashes have become extremely rare.
This was an extreme problem near the exodar, And KTC Headquarters, But since I got the new client, I rarely ever crash anymore.