Hi Guys.
We want an addon for WotLK 335a Trinitycore with ChatGPT3.5
A description of the desired addon, and the generated code are below. Cannot get it to run (tried different clients and servers - its the code not the setup).
A TOC file and LUA file were added to the addons folder (/AuctionBot). The addon is visible in the addon screen, and selected. All other addons turned off.
The generated code (which I asked for a terse version of) below:
1. AuctionBot.toc
2. AuctionBot.lua ...
Is there anything obvious?
We want an addon for WotLK 335a Trinitycore with ChatGPT3.5
A description of the desired addon, and the generated code are below. Cannot get it to run (tried different clients and servers - its the code not the setup).
A TOC file and LUA file were added to the addons folder (/AuctionBot). The addon is visible in the addon screen, and selected. All other addons turned off.
Hi Mike! (<<my name for ChatGPT)
We were thinking about a WoW addon.
The target client is WoW335a.
The addon in question detects when people offer items for sale with a message such as "WTS [linked item]" into a specified chat channel, and will proceed to auction the item, verbally, into the channel with the message "THANKS SIR! NOW AUCTIONING - [linked object]. Who will start me off at 1g?". The addon will then detect bids from other players in the form "1000g" or "50 gold" (for 1000 or 50 gold), or "10s" (for 10 silver) or "1c" (for 1 copper) noting the bidding [player name]. The addon will prompt 3 times for more bids with "Any more for [linked item] - currently [highest bid]." On a winning bid (the highest bid after 30 seconds of no bids) the addon announces "THANK YOU [player name]. You win [linked item] for [highest bid]." Humans would then arrange the collection, delivery and payment.
The generated code (which I asked for a terse version of) below:
1. AuctionBot.toc
## Interface: 30300
## Title: AuctionBot
## Version: 0.1
## Author: ChatGPT / LitchLight III / TheFiddler / FatBeard
## Notes: Automated bidding and selling process for Guild Items. Say wts [itemlink] into guild chat!
## Dependencies:
2. AuctionBot.lua ...
local G = "GUILD"
local function AIL(event, m, a, _, _, _, _, _, c, _, _, g)
if c == G and string.find(m, "wts %[(.-)%]") then
local i = string.match(m, "|H(.-)|h")
if i then
SendChatMessage("THX SIR! NOW AUCTIONING - "..i..". Who will start me off at 1g?", G)
local p, b, t = nil, 0, 30
local function ABP()
t = t - 1
if t == 0 then
if b > 0 then
SendChatMessage("THX "..p..". YOU WIN "..i.." FOR "..b, G)
-- TODO: Arrange collection, delivery and payment.
SendChatMessage("NO BIDS FOR "..i, G)
elseif t == 10 or t == 20 then
SendChatMessage("ANY MORE FOR "..i.." - CURRENTLY "..b, G)
local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() ABP() end)
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, e, b, n) if e == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL" and n ~= a and c == G and tonumber(b) then if tonumber(b) > b then p, b = n, tonumber(b) end end end)
local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
f:SetScript("OnEvent", AIL)
Is there anything obvious?
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