I have been away from the WoW Emu scene for years; last repack I had setup was Jeutie's 3.3.5 WotLK, very stable. Not exactly support at this point, but could not see a better place to file this under in the Emu section; please feel free to move / redirect as needed.
My net connect no longer supports playing live servers, and the kids have been after a more updated in house server (ie, new races etc), but are primarily interested in exploration and completing quests.
What is the best release / repack from a Quest Standpoint?
New content aside; are the older quests that are completed and working in the 3.3.5 release also at same completion level in the 4.3.4 and 5.4.8 releases (ie, even if additional expansion area quests are not as mature)?
Just found the post on new 'reply' requirements for the MoP repack, and after so many years, had to start fresh account, so trying to determine best path and what I might need while working towards that. Next search / topic will be sorting out their OSX clients, as most I can find that are listed as available and still working in 2019 are PC/EXE only, and would prefer to stay native OSX for them rather than using WINE/PC.
Thanks in Advance for any suggestions / advice.
My net connect no longer supports playing live servers, and the kids have been after a more updated in house server (ie, new races etc), but are primarily interested in exploration and completing quests.
What is the best release / repack from a Quest Standpoint?
New content aside; are the older quests that are completed and working in the 3.3.5 release also at same completion level in the 4.3.4 and 5.4.8 releases (ie, even if additional expansion area quests are not as mature)?
Just found the post on new 'reply' requirements for the MoP repack, and after so many years, had to start fresh account, so trying to determine best path and what I might need while working towards that. Next search / topic will be sorting out their OSX clients, as most I can find that are listed as available and still working in 2019 are PC/EXE only, and would prefer to stay native OSX for them rather than using WINE/PC.
Thanks in Advance for any suggestions / advice.