I cant even get close to gmisland without it crashing =/ its like as soon as i get into rendering distance, boom crash.
Also the object in question is the - 401882 - [nd_human_gate_closed]
I've had some problems with bad gameobject spawning as well. I remember trying to spawn an airship, and I believe 2 of them crashed me, and the rest (except for the one I used) never even showed up, as if they didn't exist. I ended up looking in the MySQL database to remove it, so it shouldn't be too hard to find out where I did it.
Also, I just looked in the database, it turns out you were right, it is in the GameObject database, however to get to it, if you're using HeidiSQL, click "Show All" and scroll all the way to the bottom. Make sure to sort by 'guid', which I don't think it does this automatically, unless you've already done it yourself.
Any new game objects you spawn should be at the very bottom, which also means the latest game object you spawned, which is most likely the one crashing you, is probably the last one on the list.
Make sure to copy the row (by right clicking anywhere on the line and clicking 'copy') just in case it's the wrong gameobject. Copy it, delete it, then go in game and try it out, and if it crashes (which it shouldn't) just repeat the process but move one row up. I say this, but it honestly should just be the last one on the list. Make sure to sort by guid with lowest to highest (if you don't know how to do that, just click that tab either once or twice), and click 'show all' or else it could be hard to find it.