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So i been messing around with emulator for a few weeks now and i wanted to setup a website. Noticed alot of private server use FusionCMS and most of the template/website released were using it aswell, so i did some research and could not find much except this morning i found https://github.com/Fusion-Hub/FCMS But honestly i got no clue what i am doing, i applied it in my htdocs from _Server and yes it work in locahost i tested with random php website but every time i try to install this fusioncms it just wont work, at first i found that i had to go in application/config and remove the .dist at the end of fusion and database but then after that the browser just keep loading, nothing else is happening.

I'm using VIP v7.0 if that help at all, i was just wondering if anyone could help or explain me what i do wrong or is there any good guide that could help me step by step.

Thanks lot in advance, bd0rks
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