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Freaky Beast Entertainment WOTLK 3.3.5

Freaky Beast

Verified Member
Ever wanted to hang with family and friends in a world made just for you. At Freaky Beast Entertainment that is exactly what you get. A growing community full of wonderful people that just want to escape reality for a few hours and tread the wilderness of wow. We offer a stable WOTLK 3.3.5 server with an auction house bot set to provide some amazing items. All events are set and ready to be claimed! We are currently running Noblegarden Easter event, and there are plenty of eggs for everyone to enjoy! Our website has everything you will need to get started on your World of Warcraft journey! Join our website Freaky Beast Entertainment and register your account, download the client and enjoy a wow experience that will keep you coming back. Join our discord and our forums to keep up to date! New comers receive a level 10 boost and 500g, pm Freakypriest in game to receive your reward. See you in the goldshire!