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Fix for Vehicle-NPC's position get stuck on serverside


MoP Premium
Verified Member
Since I've tried to fix multiple quests by myself (a lot of VIP5 quests are broken), I've had a problem with Vehicle-NPC's which get stuck when get attacked.

When the Vehicle get attacked, its position seems to get stuck on the server.
The client can move in the world but nothing is reacting to it and if unboarded or relogin the player respawns on the last attacked position.
(Or got teleported on unmount and dies if too far away)

The simple but (for me) hard to find fix was to add the unit_flag 131072 to the vehicle NPC.
It seems that the Vehicle is attacking hostiles by itself and then get stuck. Flag 131072 will prevent this.

NEW: The AI has to be SmartVehicleAI if SmartAI is needed. SmartAI makes the Vehicle attack by himself and leads to the player position bug.
Give Unit-Flags 16777216 and 8 for vehicle. (16777224)

It's not much, but it took me a long time to find out, so I'll post it here.
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MoP Premium
Verified Member
Found the real problem and fixed my old post!
Flag 131072 was NOT the solution.!