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Firelands | Raid | Achievement | V13.1


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Player Report

There are some huge problems in Firelands and achievments at all. After killing every single boss in Firelands I got only 3 achivs, that's making it all buggy. I have pictures that I am on Ragnaros without the full achiv which can not happen. Also, on the fight with Ragnaros ALL ranged classes can not atack. They are like stuck. They just stay afk and heal (if they have any kind of heal spec). But huneters, warlocks,mages just stay afk. I do not think that there is a problem if you are player and you are a caster. Only with the bots. That makes the fight undoable. Can you please fix those problems? Also the achievment problem is not only in Firelands. The same thing is in all other raids. Will post the pictures here

Screenshot: Openwow link: