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Firefly.to Blizzlike Wrath of the Lich King - Launching April 29th


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Firefly.to - Progressive Blizzlike Wrath of the Lich King

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Firefly Realms would like to announce the opening of its anticipated 3.3.5a Blizzlike WotLK realm.

Released Saturday, April 29th @ 6PM GMT

Greetings everyone!
The purpose of this post is to inform You of hte FireFly project and its Wrath of the Lich King blizzlike realm. Please read carefully, you will not regret it!

Who are we?
Back to the roots - We are passionate World of Warcraft players who spent half of our lifes playing this game. There is no other game for us compared to this one. We are Gamers with heart and soul! We want to create the best possible experience for everyone to get back to the real feeling. Therefore, we chose to start with the famous Wrath of the Lich King patch - 3.3.5a!

We are a team which has been assembled simply to create and offer the best possible experience, and to satisfy all of our future players! Our staff members have the required experience in project management, development and overall customer services and support.

We promise multiple things that other servers can't. We have been developing our core for a long period of time, perfecting even the smallest details. This allows us to be as close to Blizzard's quality as possible.


Some of our features that pull us apart from the competition:

  • Custom CMS, written from the scratch.
  • SSL connection to our website and community forums.
  • Blizzlike experience, x1 rates.
  • Progression system - Timeline!
  • PAY2WIN? No! Play2Win sounds better, right?
  • Daily Backups.
  • Custom made changelog.
  • BugTracker (soon implemented on our Website).
  • Weekly realm maintenance every wednesday at 5AM (server time)
  • Working achievements - including realm firsts!
  • Line of Sight.
  • Mob Path Finding.
  • Outstanding anti-cheat system.
  • Perfectly scripted raids, most of the content is working. We apply fixes on a daily basis!
  • Fully scripted world events.
  • Highly developed website which tracks numerous in-game components! (Achievements, soon: raid progress)
As well as many other features which will be revealed in the future!


Community Forum Preview
Click on the image if you would like to zoom in.



If you have any questions and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to mail us at community@firefly.to or send us a private message here or on our Discord: https://discord.gg/dVsAWGX !

We look forward to meet your on our realm!

Kind Regards,
Firefly Team.
The way it's meant to be played!
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Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
I will test that. Can you tell me if raids dongeons, dongeon findins and raid finding works?

I can't log on in your beta server
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Verified Member
I will test that. Can you tell me if raids dongeons, dongeon findins and raid finding works?

I can't log on in your beta server

Our realm is online 24/7, unless we perform an update, of course. Check your realmlist - set realmlist logon.firefly.to

Regarding the raid/dungeon finder, yes it works perfectly fine, however it is disabled as our realm is Sindragosa progressive.
Feel free to join our discord server if you have more questions - https://discord.gg/Jy4ZpqB

Kind Regards,
Firefly Team.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Thank you :)

My realm it's fine. I have a message who say : account desabled :(.I'm on discord too.
My account name : Maurowin


Verified Member
Thank you :)

My realm it's fine. I have a message who say : account desabled :(.I'm on discord too.
My account name : Maurowin

You were getting 'Account Disabled' message because of our anti-cheat system, it has been fixed - you can logon now.

We are really sorry for any inconvenience caused!

Kind Regards,
Firefly Team.
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Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
no problem :) thank you for your helping
i can't connect same problem :s
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Verified Member
no problem :) thank you for your helping
i can't connect same problem :s

Can you please take a screenshot of the message you get, upload to imgur.com and link it here.
This is really odd as you are the only one experiencing this. I'll look into it right away.

Edit: Try again and let me know either here or on Discord - message Skreem.
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Verified Member
Upon the server release, we will host an Q&A, we will be more than happy to answer all your questions.

We will most likely finish our forums before the release day, it is being coded from the scratch as we want our players to experience unique feeling when browsing our forums.

It will be a simple platform in the beginning, we will add more features to it as we progress.

Visit our website; https://firefly.to
Join our Discord; https://discord.gg/Jy4ZpqB
You can also follow us on Twitter; https://twitter.com/firefly_server

Kind Regards,
Firefly Team.
The way it's meant to be played


Verified Member
The launch was very successful, we didn't have any technical issues.

We are online for almost exactly 1 month now and heres a quick recap.

Best regards,
Siderbas - Community Manager
and the FireFly Team
The way it's meant to be played