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[Quest] Finding Beak - Twilight Highlands


MoP Premium
Veteran Member
QUEST: Finding Beak ID 27646
  • Twilight Highlands, Dunwald Hovel, Alliance, Mage Dranei Female
    Search the cellar in southern Dunwald Hovel (Dunwald Hovel, South Credit ID 46599)
    Search the cellar in northwestern Dunwald Hovel (Dunwald Hovel, Northwest Credit ID 46600)
    Search the buildings in eastern Dunwald Hovel (Dunwald Hovel, East Credit ID 46601)
  • a] 46.0, 54.5 - First house on the left, basement
  • b] 48.5, 52.6 - basement
  • c] 46.0, 59.7 - inside the room
  • You can search all buildings and cellers and get no credit for doing so.
  • Search each location, get completion on the search location, at the last location, 'Beak' shows up and starts to follow you back to the quest giver.
  • Possible Beak IDs: 46607, 49019 or 50418 (50418 on wowhead gives approximate location for the quest location as well)