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[fb.snaware.com] the best facebook auto posting and schedules - auto like - auto repl


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- Easy to fetch your groups list, friends list, pages ...

- Searching for groups by keyword, checking for status (joined, un-join, privacy open-close-secret group, members count, notify ...).

- Easy to filter groups list. Join to any groups that you want. Leave bad groups (no more members, do not allow to post ...) by one click. Turn on/off notify from groups which you want.

- Mass invite friends to group. Mass invite users via email to group

- Post a message, single photo, multi-photos or sale post to groups which you chosed. You can also post your photo album to groups.

- Post a video or video include photos to groups, friend's wall, pages, your wall.

- Live stream on Facebook from more video source (file, facebook video link, youtube link, capture screen).

- Schedule to live a stream automatic.

- Share a facebook post to everywhere (groups, pages, friend wall, your wall)

- Auto reply private message for your facebook personal account or facebook fan page - ONLY AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK AUTOMATION

- Auto reply to comments by specific keyword or send a private message to users who comment on your post - ONLY AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK AUTOMATION

- Auto accept friend requests and add them to your groups or invite to like your page ONLY AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK AUTOMATION

- Auto interaction on your home feed, group feed, page feed or user's wall - ONLY AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK AUTOMATION

- Autoo Poke friend, auto happy birthday to friend. Increase interaction for your account.

- Mass or single add your account with more options: Login with browser, Facebook App (Android or IOS app) Token, Cookies ONLY AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK AUTOMATION

- Tag specify friends to a post or random tag friends to a post.

- Post a message, single photo or multi-photos to your wall or friend wall.

- Send mass private message to users which you chosed.

- RANDOM/SPIN your message, link, images, photo ... while posting for prevent spam detection by facebook.


- Sharing a your photo album/post to groups/pages/users ...

- Searching for users by keyword, automatic sending friend request to users which you chosed. Get friend requests, accept or deny requests.

- Convert users id to facebook emails.

- Searching for pages by keyword, checking for details of these pages (likes count, can post, website, email, phone, country ...). Mass invite friend like the page. More filter options for you.

- Export emails, phone, website from public pages.

- Post a message, single photo, private message to public pages which you chosed.

- Bump your posts in groups or bump specify posts ids.

- Searching for events. Attending to events which you chosed. Mass invite friends to event.

- Post a message, single photo to events which you chosed.

- Schedule your posts to anywhere (groups, public pages, friend wall, private message, comment).

- Schedule bumping your posts in groups or specify posts ids.

- Schedule joining to groups.

- Settings time interval while posting, joining to groups, friend request sending ... Prevent spam detection from facebook.

- Easy to manage multi-facebook accounts. Proxy support for each account. Simple to post for specify account which you chosed.

- Portable software, you do not need install to run it.