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Faerlina | WotLK Classic Server - 5th August 2022


Trial Member

Faerlina is a cross-faction, high-rate realm thats created with the sole purpose of improving the experience of Blizzard’s most popular World of Warcraft expansion: Wrath of the Lich King. Our server offers unique features and unparalleled Quality of Life changes.

Many of the changes have been shaped by our Staff’s decade of experience on the scene, which allows us to know what exactly players want, alongside community feedback and suggestions. Faerlina is a server created by the players for the players. We are always open for constructive feedback and we want our users to hold us accountable for our decisions.

Faerlina is free to play and our store will never offer gear for purchase!​

Here is a list with some of our most notable perks and features:

  • Crossfaction Gameplay- almost everything on our server is Crossfaction.
  • Auto-learned Spells-players will no longer have to pause their leveling every few levels to run to their class trainers, spells will be automatically learned upon level-up.
  • Shared Quest Loot- our players won’t have to kill double the amount of mobs when they’re levelling together. Mobs that drop quest items, will drop the item for each player in your party.
  • Unlocked Flight Paths- after Realm Firsts are taken on our server, all the flight paths will be available to everyone.
  • Racial Shift- gone are the days where players need to play a certain race for the best racials.

Faerlina offers four paths to level up to 80:

  • Lich Mode- this is the default way of leveling that everyone selects automatically by creating a character. It has all of the Quality of Life perks included!
  • Blizzlike/Classic Mode- this path of levelling disables some of our Quality of Life features for the sake of a more Blizzlike experience.
  • PvP leveling- our users can level through doing PVP by joining Champions Guild! Every player that gets to level 10 will receive a mail from their faction leader. If they follow the mail, they will be set on a journey that will lead them to jump straight into the tides of war and gain experience, gold and gear by doing Battlegrounds while leveling. Champions Guild is tied to the Syndicate reputation and the more reputation the player has, the more gear they will receive once they get to level 80! Alongside all of this, players that pick PVP levelling will receive special Satchels, will be able to complete daily and weekly quests, and many more.
  • Ironman Mode- a challenger way of levelling for the most dedicated of players. Whoever picks this mode, won’t be able to equip gear higher than Common, won’t be able to pick talents among many other restrictions. If they die even once, their character will be deleted! This mode is made for the hardened veterans who are looking for a new challenge.

Faerlina offers three raid difficulties:

  • Challenger Difficulty- buffed version of bosses. Buffs are different and include- reduction of Berserk timers, Health Point buffs, addition of custom spells and more. This difficulty is intended to be done by the best among the best of the playerbase.
  • Normal Difficulty- there isn’t any difference between Normal difficulty and Blizzlike bosses.
  • Training Difficulty- made for the rookies that are just entering the raiding scene. Bosses in this difficult have half Health Points, deal less damage, but the gear they drop is limited and it is assorted specially to prevent abuse.

Alongside all of these, Faerlina has an opt-out Transmogrification system that’s almost limitless. Our server also hosts events like Hide and Seek, Transmogrification Competition, Jumping event, Trivia event and many more!

You can read about all of our features on our website

Register now and play for free.