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Extensive BWD Raid Bug Report


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Sorry for the late report, I've been busy and didn't have time to finish it sooner. Also to mention I wasn't able to fully test out BWD raid bosses since some of the encounters require more people for some spells to see if they work.

Lord Victor Nefarius
- Once you enter the raid, Lord Victor Nefarius is in the wrong position, doesn't say the right text and he casts a spell on you it seems like? Also he is supposed to teleport in and out of the gate. You can take a look at how this works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c7TaZ2DNYQ

Omnotron Defense System
How this fight is supposed to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFibqDGTezg

- Once the player dies and the boss encounter resets, the sentinels are supposed to go back to their original position, but they don't. They start walking back to it but then they stop and turn into a statue again. (https://imgur.com/a/EODYzgM)
- When engaing in-combat with the Sentinel's, their health drops to 115-116k hp for some reason (https://imgur.com/a/GbhvXzJ). And sometimes their bar that triggers the next Sentinel is 0 (visual or actual? https://imgur.com/a/FR9TzH5).

- Arcanotron & Magmatron spawn locations are incorrect. Here's an update to fix their position:
-- Arcanotron Position Correction - 42166
UPDATE `creature` SET `position_x`='-315.303', `position_y`='-410.204', `position_z`='213.987', `orientation`='1.88384' WHERE `guid`=172650;
-- Magmatron Position Correction - 42178
UPDATE `creature` SET `position_x`='-308.931', `position_y`='-404.617', `position_z`='214.001', `orientation`='1.91137' WHERE `guid`=172648;
- Jumpotron Gameobject position is incorrect & wrong orientation. This should do the trick:
-- Jumpotron Position Fix
UPDATE `gameobject` SET `position_x`='-324.769', `position_y`='-416.404', `position_z`='213.889', `orientation`='3.07913' WHERE `guid`=254308;

- Whenever there's a sentinel about to be activivated, there's usually a beam that shoots at it, but in this case there is no beam for some reason, but instead some floating aura thing. (https://imgur.com/a/pHc5yjH)

How this fight is supposed to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAW6WWLS3ww
- Seems like there is a trigger NPC visible to the players. (https://imgur.com/a/X6Rgroj)
- Lava Parasites seem to not infect players with Parasitic Infection(https://www.wowhead.com/spell=78941/parasitic-infection)
- Lava Pareaties seem to change size whenever they spawn in (get smaller)
- Once Magmaw drops the player after using mangle, I believe the player is supposed to drop in front of Magmaw instead of on top of him.

How this fight is supposed to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW3GYLPoz2E
- Initial Spawn Position seems to be off a little.
- Health Values for summoned creatures seem to be off
- Prime Subjects are laying down when they're spawned in (they look dead)
- Seems like he casts his spells to often.
- When releasing abberations, Maloriak is supposed to summon 3 of them, but instead summons more than 3

Maimgor, Ivoroc & Pyrecraw
- I believe these npcs are supposed to be sleeping/flying around the place.

How this fight is supposed to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12XqbO4w5y8
- If you talk to the trapped gnome, he's suppose to trigger the Bile-O-Tron 800 to run around spraying stuff. Nothing actually happens, but you do get the buff.
- Once the Bile-O-Tron gets knocked out and gets back up, he's supposed to run around, but he just stands still.
How this is all supposed to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtG8bre4XlE
- There seems to be random Ancient Dwarven Shields in the middle of the room? (https://imgur.com/a/IJTEuxS)
- The intro to Atramedes scene is a little off. There's no throne for Lord Victor Nefarious, and Maloriak isn't in the scene with him.
The position of the creatures and fog is in the wrong spot I believe (https://imgur.com/a/QRvQalt).
- You can take a look at how this plays out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIgQvDBhAiw
- Prior to hitting the Ancient Bell and starting the fight, it seems like Atramedes is in the just sitting above the bell. I believe Atramedes is supposed to be out of sight, then once you ring the bell he flys in. (https://imgur.com/a/YhkgISX)
- Hitting the Ancient Bell does not start the boss encounter
- After manually pulling Atramedes, he seems to reset after walking too far even though you're still in the room.
The Ancient Dwarven Shields you're supposed to hit during the encounter do nothing. They're just a simple gossip menu.
- The Dwarvens you fight before the encounter seem to respawn when they aren't supposed to I believe. (https://imgur.com/a/CE00XKo)
- The sonar pulses seem to be following you when they're not supposed to. (https://imgur.com/a/xUJKTFS)
- No flying animation
- Seems like this boss is the most broken from BWD.
Nafarian's End
How this fight is supposed to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOADoiTyDug&t=48s
- Seems like the platform is above the lava prior to the fight when it's supposed to be below.
- Can't start the encounter because it's missing the trigger (Orb of Culmination: https://www.wowhead.com/object=203254/orb-of-culmination)
- Upon adding Orb of Culmination and clicking it, it just says "Need TXT YTDB".
- I wasnt able to start the encounter, so you guys may have to get it a try.
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