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[EXPLOIT-HACK] Death Knight - Death Grip - Instant Kill - Fall Underground


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This is a very catchy hack/exploit that may be useful for a lot to kill their enemies:

This one is for dk class only.
Originally made for MOP/WoD.
The dk spell "death grip" will be required to do this:

1. Download
2. start PandaWoW / Pandashan (32bit)
3. start the hack
4. Hit the hotkey!
5. Profit

6.2.3 Version here! (Working for new servers)
Works just the same!
But now working for 6.2.3 ^^

Need help to setup the hotkeys?
"dkKey.ini" will be createn when you open the programme.
You can edit the .ini file to change the hotkeys or the procces name.
And if you would like to change the hotkeys here is a tip.
deathgripkey=2 (deathgrip keybind)
rotatekey=e (the key to rotate (left or right))
Activatekey={F10} (the key to start)
sleeptimer(ms)=65 (the sleep timer, depends on how much lagg you have)
Closekey={ins} (the key to close the programme)
INFO INFO=Keys like F10 must have a { and } else it wont work!
id= (The processe name)
Re-open the programme after you changed the .ini file.


All credits for this work goes to Ferib Hellscream!
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Trial Member
Nice virus scumbag, at least learn to use a crypter if your going to try give people viruses and don't say false positive its a backdoor lmao

Mr. Satan

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World Martial Arts Championships
I'm no expert on world of warcraft hacks/cheats of any kind, but I strongly doubt a simple .exe file can actually cause something like this. There's even an anti-cheat in just about all private servers (although I'm not sure that covers extreme amounts of damage, so I'm just pointing it out just in case).
If you upload a .exe, you should provide a virus scan link of it for proof. If it's just false positives, I doubt it would pick up many.
Use this site:
Otherwise, I'm going to have to agree with Qunite and report this.


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I would never upload anything like that, and specially not on this forumIt is a legit release and there is no reason to be worried.
The scanner will see it as virus because it is containing hack in order to make this program work succesfully. But I've removed the download link because the point was not to make people scared, so I request a close.