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EVOWOW - WOTLK Private Server


Trial Member
EVOWOW is one of the oldest private wow servers around. It runs since 2007 till now.

The server is mostly Blizz-like, but it offer some additional sweets that you would like to have. Like Teleport NPC, Transmog, some custom quests and events, Anti-Cheat System. One of the biggest advantage is our Referral System and the amazing rewards you get from your recruits. We prefer to keep the things simple, so you can enjoy the game without wandering and feel lost. We also offer WOTLK Database to help you out find what you’re looking for in the game. How to find the mobs you need or develop your professions. Before you ask how to register and log into the game, pay a little attention to the FAQ and Rules on our server.

EVOWOW is maintaining server version: Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5 (12340) (not higher than that) To play in EVOWOW Private WOW Server, you need to have registered + activated account and a proper version of the World of Warcraft Game.