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Error-Messages on Serverstart (in my case V12)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I am using V12 and i have realised, that there are many error-mesages in the console, when server starts...

Some of them are clear to me like "duplicate aura for xxx" and i could solve it by deleting the corresponding value in table creature_addon.

But there are so many "errors" logged, and i was wondering if

a) these are "real errors" or if i just shouldnt care... and
b) if other uers have the same error-messages and
c) if there is some sort of howto or best practise to get rid of them...

When i am back from my work trip i will post some examples...

Thanks a lot in adnvance for reading.



Yeah, it's mostly "dev-notes", of ToDo's in the database, to clean up. They can be ignored for the regular user :)


Gold Supporter
Do you have any example of a recurring one? Maybe I can help you to hide/remove some of them.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hey. Thanks for the offer.

For some of the error-msg is was able to solve them eg: "duplicate aura for xxx" . Solved it by deleting the corresponding value in table creature_addon...

I will post my server-start log with the DB - Errors. If you can give me some hints, what to do to get rid of them ; ) The msges seam to be quite "self-explaining" but i am just
starting to "understand" the database.
Anything that helps me to learn and flatten my learnng-curve would be nice :)

As ExO stated, most of them msges should be only "reminders" to devs for todo ;)

So heres the log:

ERROR Creature (Entry: 53599) already listed as `difficulty_entry_1` for another entry.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 53509, class 1) has different `unit_class` in difficulty 3 mode (Entry: 54054, class 2).
ERROR Creature (Entry: 53579) already listed as `difficulty_entry_1` for another entry.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 53648) lists difficulty 1 mode entry 53776 with `AIName` filled in. `AIName` of difficulty 0 mode creature is always used instead.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 53890, class 1) has different `unit_class` in difficulty 2 mode (Entry: 56517, class 4).
ERROR Creature (Entry: 57427) already listed as `difficulty_entry_1` for another entry.
ERROR Creature (Entry: 57430) already listed as `difficulty_entry_1` for another entry.
ERROR Missing base stats for creature class 1 level 102
ERROR Table `creature` have creature (GUID: 288736) that listed as difficulty 1 template (entry: 26099) in `creature_template`, skipped.
ERROR Table `creature` have creature (Entry: 42098) with equipment_id 1 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment.
ERROR Table `creature` have creature (Entry: 53494) with equipment_id 1 not found in table `creature_equip_template`, set to no equipment.
ERROR Creature (GUID: 94024) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_addon`.
ERROR Creature (GUID 283078) has movement type set to WAYPOINT_MOTION_TYPE but no path assigned
ERROR Creature (GUID: 34020) has wrong spell 0 defined in `auras` field in `creature_addon`.
ERROR Table `gameobject` has gameobject (GUID: 10040883) with non existing gameobject entry 214517, skipped.
ERROR game_event_save includes event save for non-worldevent id 3
ERROR `game_event_creature_quest` quest id (29074) is not a seasonal quest (event: 12)
ERROR `game_event_creature_quest` quest id (29074) is not a seasonal quest (event: 12)
ERROR `game_event_creature_quest` quest id (29074) is not a seasonal quest (event: 12)
ERROR `game_event_creature_quest` quest id (29074) is not a seasonal quest (event: 12)
ERROR `game_event_creature_quest` quest id (29400) is not a seasonal quest (event: 12)
ERROR `game_event_gameobject_quest` quest id (28954) is not a seasonal quest (event: 12)
ERROR npc_spellclick_spells: Creature template 48721 has UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK but no data in spellclick table! Removing flag
ERROR npc_spellclick_spells: Creature template 55549 has UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK but no data in spellclick table! Removing flag
ERROR Spell 84941 listed in `spell_area` have aura spell (84944) requirement that itself autocast from aura
ERROR Area trigger (ID:7116) does not exist in `AreaTrigger.dbc`.
ERROR Area trigger (ID:7117) does not exist in `AreaTrigger.dbc`.
ERROR Area trigger (ID:7118) does not exist in `AreaTrigger.dbc`.
ERROR Area trigger (ID:7119) does not exist in `AreaTrigger.dbc`.
ERROR Area trigger (ID:7120) does not exist in `AreaTrigger.dbc`.
ERROR table `lfg_entrances` contains coordinates for wrong dungeon 109
ERROR Table `instance_encounters` has an invalid spell (entry 110158) linked to the encounter 1271 (Murozond), skipped!
ERROR Table `instance_encounters` has an invalid spell (entry 111533) linked to the encounter 1299 (Madness of Deathwing), skipped!
ERROR Table `game_graveyard_zone` has a duplicate record for Graveyard (ID: 1326) and Zone (ID: 3537), skipped.
ERROR Spell (Id: 64240) listed in `spell_target_position` does not have target TARGET_DEST_DB (17).
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 53578 item 3: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 54046 item 4: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 54044 item 3: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 52559 item 3: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 52561 item 3: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 53799 item 4: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 54853 (creature entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 54969 (creature entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 55294 (creature entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 55419 (creature entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 8537 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 10818 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 10820 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 39194 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 49090 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 57847 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 57848 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 57955 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'creature_loot_template' entry 57956 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 208967 item 4: quest chance will be treated as non-quest chance
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 209033 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 39842 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 39845 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 113768 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 209541 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 209894 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 209895 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 209896 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 209897 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 210025 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 210160 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 210218 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 210219 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 210220 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'item_loot_template' entry 20768 group 1 has total chance > 100% (115.000000)
ERROR Table 'item_loot_template' entry 500000 isn't item entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'item_loot_template' entry 500001 isn't item entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 52498 item 70914: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 52498 item 71779: equal-chanced grouped entry, but group not defined - skipped
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 25106 (reference id) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 25106 (reference id) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 25106 (reference id) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 25106 (reference id) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 25106 (reference id) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12145 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12164 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12165 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12166 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12167 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12170 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12171 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12184 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12185 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 12186 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 52498 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 72004 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 77230 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 78381 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Table 'reference_loot_template' entry 78492 isn't reference id and not referenced from loot, and then useless.
ERROR Spell (ID: 101805) is 100% chance random discovery ability but not have data in `skill_discovery_template` table
ERROR Table `locales_achievement_reward` (Entry: 7500) has locale strings for non-existing achievement reward.
ERROR Table `locales_achievement_reward` (Entry: 9909) has locale strings for non-existing achievement reward.
ERROR Table `gossip_menu_option` for menu 13294, id 0 has unknown option id 255. Option will not be used
ERROR CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_QUEST_SHOW_MARK specifies non-existing quest (31120), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (29402), skipped
ERROR Condition type 17 entry 43209 has any ErrorType, ErrorTextId (64) is set, set to 0!
ERROR SourceEntry 48742 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 48742 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR Title condition has non existing title in value1 (0), skipped
ERROR ZoneID condition requires to be in area (5099) which is a subzone but zone expected, skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (41235), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (46470), skipped
ERROR Item condition has 0 set for item count in value2 (0), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 75657 SourceGroup 7 in `condition` table - spell 75657 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 2, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 94970 SourceGroup 7 in `condition` table - spell 94970 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 2, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 82194 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR NearGameObject condition has non existing gameobject template entry (190708), skipped
ERROR Gender condition has invalid gender (80), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 47305 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceType 13, SourceEntry 89776, SourceGroup 0 in `condition` table, has incorrect ConditionTarget set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 80208 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (43336), skipped
ERROR Aura condition has non existing spell (Id: 0), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 91942 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 91942 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceGroup 195074 in `condition` table, does not exist in `gameobject_loot_template`, ignoring.
ERROR Invalid ConditionType 0 at SourceEntry 58898 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR Invalid ConditionType 0 at SourceEntry 58898 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 89124 SourceGroup 7 in `condition` table - spell 89124 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 89124 SourceGroup 7 in `condition` table - spell 89124 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 2, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 85431 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 85431 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (10)!
ERROR SourceEntry 86394 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 86394 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR addToGossipMenuItems: GossipMenuId 6944 Item 1 not found
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 6944
ERROR SourceType 22, SourceEntry 43339, SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table, has incorrect ConditionTarget set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceGroup 162 in `condition` table, does not exist in `fishing_loot_template`, ignoring.
ERROR ReactionTo condition has invalid ConditionValue1(ConditionTarget selection) (4), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 83903 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 83903 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 83903 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 83903 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 62464 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 62464 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 62363 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR Achivement condition has non existing achivement id (82942), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (33407), skipped
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceType 1, SourceEntry 55152, SourceGroup 34353 in `condition` table, has incorrect ConditionTarget set, ignoring.
ERROR NearGameObject condition has non existing gameobject template entry (203308), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 75833 SourceGroup 7 in `condition` table - spell 75833 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 109527 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 108833 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 108833 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 108836 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 108836 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 108837 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 108837 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 108838 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 108838 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 43385 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR Alive condition has useless data in value1 (1)!
ERROR Alive condition has useless data in value1 (1)!
ERROR SourceType 1, SourceEntry 3411, SourceGroup 1995 in `condition` table, has incorrect ConditionTarget set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 89620 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 89297 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 35772 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 48397 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 48397 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 76212 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 76212 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (39974), skipped
ERROR ZoneID condition requires to be in area (5099) which is a subzone but zone expected, skipped
ERROR Condition type 18 entry 52263 has any ErrorType, ErrorTextId (63) is set, set to 0!
ERROR Condition type 18 entry 52263 has any ErrorType, ErrorTextId (63) is set, set to 0!
ERROR Condition type 18 entry 52263 has any ErrorType, ErrorTextId (63) is set, set to 0!
ERROR Title condition has non existing title in value1 (0), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 88891 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 15 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 88891 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 15 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR Item condition has non existing item (46598), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 78348 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 48742 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 0 (spell effectMask) set, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has wrong typeid set (34376), skipped
ERROR SourceType 1, SourceEntry 1006, SourceGroup 330 in `condition` table, has incorrect ConditionTarget set, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 81570 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 81570 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163147)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163145)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (300022)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (63498)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (74572)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (63854)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (2)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (3)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163587)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (484348)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163585)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163585)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163585)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163587)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (427)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163583)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (465535)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (465535)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163238)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (163239)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (63942)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (63942)!
ERROR SourceEntry 78395 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 78395 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (636366)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (746)!
ERROR Aura condition has non existing effect index (56438) (must be 0..2), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 87517 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 87517 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 86911 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 86911 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 75677 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 75677 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 79629 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 3 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 3
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 79629 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 3 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 3
ERROR SourceEntry 79629 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 3 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 3
ERROR SourceEntry 79629 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 3 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 3
ERROR SourceEntry 79629 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 3 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 3
ERROR Quest condition specifies non-existing quest (3), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 85591 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 85591 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 85591 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 85591 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 85591 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 85591 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 88646 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 88646 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 65579 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 65579 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 83993 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 83993 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 83993 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 83993 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 83993 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 83993 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 63566 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 63566 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 64086 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 64086 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 64080 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 64080 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 64086 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 64086 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 64078 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 64078 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 64078 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 64078 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 82577 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 82577 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 93346 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 93346 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 76348 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 76348 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 78297 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 78297 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 84341 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 84341 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 84341 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 84341 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 75394 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 75394 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575801), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575803), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575805), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 108038 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 108038 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 108038 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 108038 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 109035 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 109035 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575812), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575813), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575814), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575815), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575816), skipped
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing creature template entry  (575817), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 106675 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 106675 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 106673 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 106673 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 106671 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 106671 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 106669 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 106669 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 106666 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 106666 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 107055 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 107055 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 80227 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 80227 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 74666 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 74666 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 74665 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 74665 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 74570 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 74570 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 86332 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 86332 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 41054 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 41054 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 41055 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 41055 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 45205 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 45205 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 45206 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 45206 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 87219 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 87219 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 5316 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 5316 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 5316 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 5316 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 5316 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 5316 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 5316 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 5316 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 5316 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 5316 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 5316 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 5316 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 77380 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 77380 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 87217 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 87217 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 68576 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 68576 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 76350 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 76350 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 88646 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 88646 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 88646 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 88646 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 87967 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 87967 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 87967 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 87967 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 43891 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 43891 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 43789 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 43789 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 89008 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 89008 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 98677 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 98677 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 82611 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 82611 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 69094 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 69094 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 72849 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 72849 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 84187 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 84187 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has non existing game object template entry  (2088290), skipped
ERROR SourceEntry 99314 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 99314 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 79557 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 79557 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 69648 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 69648 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 69648 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 69648 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 69648 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 69648 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR addToGossipMenus: GossipMenu 1 not found
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 1
ERROR Condition type 17 has not allowed value of SourceGroup = 1!
ERROR Condition type 17 has not allowed value of SourceGroup = 1!
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR Found ConditionTypeOrReference = CONDITION_UNUSED_24 in `conditions` table - ignoring
ERROR DistanceTo condition has ConditionValue1(ConditionTarget selection) set to self (0), skipped
ERROR Aura condition has non existing spell (Id: 26362), skipped
ERROR Alive condition has useless data in value1 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (102864)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515304)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515316)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515305)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515309)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515310)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515311)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515312)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515313)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515314)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515322)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515323)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515320)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (8515307)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (696304)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (696304)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679341)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679343)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679345)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679346)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679347)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679348)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679353)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679354)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679355)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679356)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679357)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679358)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679359)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679360)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679361)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679362)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679363)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679364)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679365)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679366)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679367)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679368)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679369)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679370)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679372)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679373)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679374)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679376)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679378)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679379)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679380)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679381)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (679382)!
ERROR Invalid ConditionSourceType 102 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR Invalid ConditionSourceType 102 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Condition type 19 has not allowed value of SourceGroup = 1!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR addToGossipMenuItems: GossipMenuId 10411 Item 1 not found
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 10411
ERROR addToGossipMenuItems: GossipMenuId 10411 Item 2 not found
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 10411
ERROR Invalid ConditionSourceType 103 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR Invalid ConditionSourceType 103 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 37748 SourceGroup 6 in `condition` table - spell 37748 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 37748 SourceGroup 6 in `condition` table - spell 37748 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 2, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (633637)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (633636)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (633635)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (633636)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (633637)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (633634)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 69257 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 69257 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (743)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (741)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (742)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (745)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (744)!
ERROR SourceEntry 67502 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 67502 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 67502 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 67502 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR ReactionTo condition has invalid ConditionValue1(ConditionTarget selection) (4), skipped
ERROR ReactionTo condition has invalid ConditionValue1(ConditionTarget selection) (4), skipped
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (2)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (3)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 73297 in `condition` table, has incorrect SourceGroup 1 (spell effectMask) set - effect masks are overlapping (all SourceGroup values having given bit set must be equal) - ignoring.
ERROR Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 1
ERROR SourceEntry 72886 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 72886 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 72886 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 72886 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 72886 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 72886 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 72886 SourceGroup 3 in `condition` table - spell 72886 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Invalid ConditionSourceType 103 in `condition` table, ignoring.
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (63485)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (63864)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (6070613)!
ERROR ObjectEntry condition has useless data in value3 (6071073)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR NearCreature condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR Aura condition has useless data in value3 (1)!
ERROR SourceEntry 103762 SourceGroup 2 in `condition` table - spell 103762 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 1, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR SourceEntry 106677 SourceGroup 1 in `condition` table - spell 106677 does not have implicit targets of types: _AREA_, _CONE_, _NEARBY_ for effect 0, SourceGroup needs correction, ignoring.
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 38054 effect 0 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 73532 effect 0 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 74351 effect 0 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 80830 effect 0 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 93593 effect 0 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 64264 effect 1 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 64272 effect 1 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 73532 effect 1 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 73532 effect 2 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `spell_scripts` - spell 73532 effect 3 is not SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT or SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY
ERROR Table `event_scripts` have gameobject type (184124) unsupported by command SCRIPT_COMMAND_RESPAWN_GAMEOBJECT for script id 13666
ERROR Table `event_scripts` has script (Id: 5225) not referring to any gameobject_template type 10 data2 field, type 3 data6 field, type 13 data 2 field or any spell effect 61
ERROR Table `event_scripts` has script (Id: 202441) not referring to any gameobject_template type 10 data2 field, type 3 data6 field, type 13 data 2 field or any spell effect 61
ERROR Table `waypoint_scripts` has out of range text id (dataint = 16960 expected 2000000000-2000010000) in SCRIPT_COMMAND_TALK for script id 12066200
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_dru_starfall_aoe` spell (spell_id:-50294) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_dk_spell_deflection` spell (spell_id:-49145) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_dru_primal_tenacity` spell (spell_id:-33851) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_dru_bear_form_passive` spell (spell_id:9635) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_hun_aspect_of_the_beast` spell (spell_id:13161) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_hun_ascpect_of_the_viper` spell (spell_id:34074) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR Scriptname:`spell_pri_chakra_sanctuary_heal` spell (spell_id:88667) does not exist in `Spell.dbc`.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Event SMART_EVENT_DISTANCE_CREATURE provided both an entry and guid, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 2439, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 2 for creature 3286, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 1 for creature 3286, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3840 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 5187, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled event_type(47), Entry 4508 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 5, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 5697, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (6353) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(118), event_type(8), Entry 7318 SourceType 0 Event 2, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 10820 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 11733, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 15664 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 6983 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 17455 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 12 uses incorrect TempSummonType 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 17455 SourceType 0 Event 5 Action 12 uses incorrect TempSummonType 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 17455 SourceType 0 Event 6 Action 12 uses incorrect TempSummonType 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 18398 SourceType 0, Event 2, Link Event is linking self (infinite loop), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 20296 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35142, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 20296 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35145, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 20296 SourceType 0 Event 4 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 35146, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 21057 SourceType 0 Event 9 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 37957, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(60), Entry 21514 SourceType 0 Event 3, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 21769 SourceType 0 Event 3 Action 56 Parameter can not be NULL, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 21797 SourceType 0 Event 7 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 37782, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 21877 SourceType 0 Event 12 Action 28 uses non-existent Spell entry 37782, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25258, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25258, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 25258, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 25398 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 33 uses non-existent Spell entry 25398, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 26814, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 32239, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 2 for creature 32720, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35116, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 35526, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 35905 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 14293 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37659, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37659, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37828, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 37828, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 39040, skipped.
ERROR SmartScript: SMART_ACTION_EQUIP uses non-existent equipment info id 0 for creature 39040, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 39239 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 25171 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 39320 Event 0 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 39320, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(116), event_type(54), Entry 40080 SourceType 0 Event 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 40663 Event 1 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 41098 SourceType 0, Event 4, Link Event is linking self (infinite loop), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(119), event_type(1), Entry 41520 SourceType 0 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(119), event_type(2), Entry 41520 SourceType 0 Event 2, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(255), event_type(2), Entry 43228 SourceType 0 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled event_type(47), Entry 43504 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 11, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 44372 using event(4) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 45041 Event 5 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 450410, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 46395 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 Parameter can not be NULL, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 47684 using event(0) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 53639 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 1000060, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (80991) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(61), Entry 183936 SourceType 1 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(61), Entry 183940 SourceType 1 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(130), event_type(61), Entry 183941 SourceType 1 Event 1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: GameObject entry (209099) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (243900) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 300079 SourceType 1 Event 0 Action 33 uses non-existent Creature entry 300079, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 392399 SourceType 0 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 25171 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412061 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390420, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412062 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390421, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412063 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390422, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412064 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390423, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412065 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390424, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412066 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390425, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412067 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390426, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412068 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390427, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 412069 SourceType 0 Event 0 Action 12 uses non-existent Creature entry 390428, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (675355) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (675356) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 999902 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 24735 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 1672700 using event(2) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 1836900 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 18369, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 1905500 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 20 has maxDist 0 as target_param1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 38656772264 SourceType 13 Event 63 Action 0 uses wrong value 3143409502, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2179700 SourceType 9 Event 4 Action 75 uses non-existent Spell entry 37782, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2179700 SourceType 9 Event 5 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 37769, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2202300 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 85 uses non-existent Spell entry 39074, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2244801 SourceType 9 Event 8 Action 11 uses non-existent Spell entry 39333, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Not handled action_type(145), event_type(1), Entry 2291000 SourceType 9 Event 5, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 2546001 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 11636 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (2841300) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (2841301) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (2841302) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: EntryOrGuid 3330200 using event(1) has invalid action type (0), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3548601 SourceType 9 Event 2 Action 30 attempts to set invalid phase, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3548602 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 22 attempts to set phase 64. Phase mask cannot be used past phase 24, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3590501 SourceType 9 Event 13 Action 15 SpecialFlags for Quest entry 14293 does not include FLAGS_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT(2), skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 3668900 Event 0 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 36689, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 3922600 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 2 uses non-existent Faction 13, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017402) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017403) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017404) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4017405) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4107000 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 41070, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4107100 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 41071, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4107101 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 41071, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4351300 Event 4 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 43513, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (4432700) does not exist, skipped loading.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Creature 4696500 Event 2 Action 53 uses non-existent WaypointPath id 46965, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 4898000 SourceType 9 Event 12 Action 15 has maxDist 0 as target_param1, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 5321701 SourceType 9 Event 3 Action 12 uses incorrect TempSummonType 0, skipped.
ERROR SmartAIMgr: Entry 20882900 SourceType 9 Event 0 Action 33 uses non-existent Creature entry 208829, skipped.
ERROR Invalid OutdoorPvPTypes value 6 in outdoorpvp_template; skipped.
ERROR Creature::Create(): creature template (guidlow: 9800672, entry: 18569) does not exist.