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Enable 100+ on the who list -- Tutorial


Ok so, i needed to do this for a server, but i couldn't find any tutorial on where to do it, so i thought i would look around the core and i figured it out after some time.
I thought it would be useful for the people who have a 255 server or so.
-It's very simple, but making a small tutorial because there's no guides on how to do this.

Open Mischandler.cpp

Search for uint8 lvl = target->getLevel();

Now you see:
if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)

We don't want that, so make it a comment:

/*if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)
continue; */

I don't know if this is the proper way to do it, but it works and it's an ok solution for now.

This is how it shouldn't look:
// check if target's level is in level range
uint8 lvl = target->getLevel();
if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)

This is how it's supposed to look:
// check if target's level is in level range
uint8 lvl = target->getLevel();
/*if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)
continue; */

There you go.