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EmuCoach News Update! Repack Releases and New Forum Changes!

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Greetings everyone at EmuCoach!
We have a few things to announce here, including something for everyone! So make sure to read all the way through!

Repack News:
VIP Release:
The newest version of the Official EmuCoach VIP Repack Version 8.1 has been released! This version contains PlayerBots, which allows for users to bring Bots into the world to use for battlegrounds, raids, and dungeons! While the PlayerBots system is mostly developed, it still needs a bit of testing, so make sure to post any bugs you find here: Bug Reports Forum
You can donate, to become a VIP Member, here: VIP Payments
If you donate and aren't automatically set as a VIP Member within 24 hours, contact [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] with a PM and he will personally set it up properly for you.
You can download the latest VIP version here: EC VIP v8.1 Repack

Public Release:
If you aren't a VIP Member, we have a release for you as well!
The newest, free version of the Official EmuCoach Repack, version 7, has been released! This version does not contain PlayerBots, so if you want them, you'll have to donate.
You can download the the free version here: EC Public v7 Repack

Forum News:
First, we at EmuCoach would like to congratulate and welcome our newest Staff Member, [MENTION=3658]eyerobot[/MENTION]
He is now the moderator over the Bug Reports Forum and helping keep the area organized so our developers, including eyerobot himself, can help to better improve the EmuCoach repack!
We want to personally thank him, and anyone who post fixes for our repack, whether it's constant fixes or every now and then, we at EmuCoach very much appreciate you and your contributions.

Second, EmuCoach is getting a few changes! We already have some new forum sections, with more to come depending on the community, and an updated user member rank system!
With the new user member ranks, you can earn a bigger avatar picture, signature, inbox, and possibly more! We are still working on what will work best.
You can check out the new requirements per rank, with (COMING SOON) the rewards each rank offers here: Official Ranks and Requirements
EmuCoach is very community driven, so we are doing what we can to help you enjoy your stay here, and possibly bring some friends!

Third, we are currently considering on a possible Official EmuCoach Minecraft server. You can vote here to help us decide: EC Minecraft Server
The server would preferably include arcade-like games that you'd see in typical Minecraft servers, along with maybe a free-open world survival option. This option would have no extra cost to anyone, meaning it will be free to anyone who wants to play. Although, VIP users may get some cosmetic benefits, but that's the only difference! I personally would love to have an Official EC Minecraft server, and would love to play it with the community, but it depends on you! I need to know that enough people would play it to make it worth the cost, plus volunteer builders. Those builders would get a special rank (mostly cosmetic but with some extra perks, e.g. having extra plots for houses and such), plus 1 month free VIP! Their name would also be saved in a "Hall of Fame" style.
I know that may not be much, but there isn't much I can offer, as this is more of a side project for EC, hosted by me and not ExO. However, it would still be EmuCoach official.

Lastly, we might have some new staff positions coming in!
These new positions would be a "Tech Support", which is for assisting users with any EmuCoach-repack or forum-related problems they might have.
The next positions would be a "News Writer", which is essentially what I'm doing here. This staff member's job would be to post news and updates to the forum to help keep everyone updated much more frequently.
While we would love to fill these spots, we currently do not have a need for them, as our current staff is able to handle it for now. Once the EmuCoach community grows, we will start looking for applications, along with potentially more new staff ranks! There is no guarantee for new staff ranks, and it could be a while before we start looking for new staff members, as these positions are community-based.

If you haven't already noticed, we have also removed the falling snowflakes as the holidays are ending.
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and we hope you will enjoy what EmuCoach has to offer, and what we will be bringing to the forum in the future.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] or myself, and we'll be happy to help!
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Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
You write so well! I'm terrible at it. Mine sounds more like a 1940's news cast.
Only one typo in the whole thing "Lastly, we have might have some new staff positions".


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
We need a moderator/tech support who speaks both, german & english. :D

And good news :D

What about a official EmuCoach 4.3.4/Ark server?

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
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MoP Premium
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World Martial Arts Championships
You write so well! I'm terrible at it. Mine sounds more like a 1940's news cast.
Only one typo in the whole thing "Lastly, we have might have some new staff positions".

I don't see that typo anywhere? :innocent:
I appreciate that though. At least with announcement posts like this, I try to type as professional as possible. I mostly do it when typing in replies or through skype or discord, etc., to try to keep a professional appearance.
The more you get to know me and talk to me, you'll notice that professionalism will start to fade, and I'll joke more and type/talk a lot more relaxed, not even caring about grammar.

We need a moderator/tech support who speaks both, german & english. :D

And good news :D

What about a official EmuCoach 4.3.4/Ark server?

It will probably be some time until we fill the Tech Support role. As I said, our staff is currently able to handle most, if not all, issues that arise. However, I can't wait for the day that we finally make someone Tech Support.

As for multiple languages, while that definitely would be nice, this forum only supports English. But if one of the more qualified candidates for the role also happens to speak multiple languages, that would be a plus.

I can't officially answer on any new servers of any kind as I do not know, and it's not my decision. I can only talk about a potential Official Minecraft server because I offered to host it myself, and not through EmuCoach funding.
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I have dabbled with a few minecraft servers. If I can launch one. You [definately] can. My problem is ISP locking modem. I have to use Hamachi. So limited amount can get on it. Though you can exceed 4 simply by making [multiple servers] within 1 Hamachi that connects to your Minecraft server. 1 thing I noticed however. If Mods are used in the server? [and many are AWESOME] I had mods for travel to other planets/zones even. The clients of those joining [usually] need the Mods as well however? I had swaying grass & trees, rippling water, nice block patterns etc. Never could get the skins to work on the newest release. As my server/client was not official. But I did have all the newest content working [pretty much]? I am sure it can be done somehow. It [used to] work on older versions? Anyways... I look forward to seeing how you do on this venture. Sounds interesting. :)
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