There's an error while launching worldserver.exe, that is using databases from Linux MySQL server:
To fix this bug, you need to rename your ip2nationcountries table to ip2nationCountries in the emucoachworld database. That's because Linux (unlike Windows) is a case-sensitive OS.
SQL (apply it to emucoachworld database):
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 58, sql: "SELECT FROM ip2nationCountries c, ip2nation i WHERE i.ip < ? AND c.code = ORDER BY i.ip DESC LIMIT 0,1
To fix this bug, you need to rename your ip2nationcountries table to ip2nationCountries in the emucoachworld database. That's because Linux (unlike Windows) is a case-sensitive OS.
SQL (apply it to emucoachworld database):
RENAME TABLE `ip2nationcountries` TO `ip2nationCountries`;