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EmuCoach 4.3.4 Worgen Stockades FIX


Veteran Member
Hi, all. I'm new all this so not exactly sure what's causing this, but when you play the Worgen campaign you end up getting stuck in the stockades with no one around you. After trawling the internet I found a way to "fix" it, though I'm not exactly sure what's wrong.

A lot of NPCs in the beginning of the Worgen campaign seem to "fade out" of existence and fade back in when you get right on top of them (happens in the first area). However, when you spawn in the stockade, the needed NPC does not spawn next to you. The fix I found that worked was to turn GM mode on, then the NPC fades in. Talk to him and get free, then turn GM mode off again and he fades out.

Here are the steps on how to do it:

1) Before you start your client, go to the running worldserver.exe and enter in the following command: account set gmlevel USERNAME 3 -1
2) You should get a message saying that you changed the security level of USERNAME to 3.
3) Now start your client and when you get stuck in the stocks (or if you already are), click the chat window and type: .gm on
4) The King should appear next to you. Click him and talk to him to get free.
5) Once done, click the chat window again and type: .gm off
6) That's it. Don't know what causes the problem but that's how I got around it.