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Elvarions sack o' Bugs


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Ive started compiling a List of Quests and stuff that are broken and could need a look at

-> List <-​

Ive made it so that anyone should be able to comment on the document. Perhaps for the upcoming version of what is fixed. So its easy to try it out and confirm that its fixed so we can remove it from lists of bugs :)

Im updating the list whenever I find something wrong. I play almost daily and run around doing quests. So im trying to be active with the list.

So this is "Version 1.0" of the Bug list. Ill try and make an edit here if ive updated the list.


Yeah I remember that great big list, thank you once again!

-- If anyone else with knowledge in this field wants to contribute, they are free to do so!


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Updated with 10'ish new quests.

Also Hunters need to be taken a look at.
They seem to always be on the edge and wanting to attack stuff whenever you right or left click them. So you cant target stuff without attacking (If your in range)
Somewhat painful in dungeons if you click mobs w/o the intention of attacking.
If you die, it seem to work fine for some time, but then its back to normal.
Also if you click something from far away and press esc to stop attacking it will also work for a min or two then back to 24/7 wanting to attack.


Verified Member
Updated with 10'ish new quests.

Also Hunters need to be taken a look at.
They seem to always be on the edge and wanting to attack stuff whenever you right or left click them. So you cant target stuff without attacking (If your in range)
Somewhat painful in dungeons if you click mobs w/o the intention of attacking.
If you die, it seem to work fine for some time, but then its back to normal.
Also if you click something from far away and press esc to stop attacking it will also work for a min or two then back to 24/7 wanting to attack.

There is an option that prevents you from autoattacking when you switch a target in the options menu; sadly, it is enabled by default.

As for hunters having attacking quirks, I can confirm this too. There are times when I get into melee and am stuck with the melee ready animation, and auto attacking with a ranged weapon fails to work (ranged abilities can still be used). This can be fixed by dying and resurrecting the character, but doing that is a pain in the butt.