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Elderwow | Wotlk | HighRates | Event | Rewards |


Trial Member
Elder is a new quality Wotlk private server utilizing talented developers and resources to ensure the best experience around.
ElderWoW is committed to bringing the best gaming experience back to 3.3.5a.
Come join us and relive the glory of the Wrath of the Lich King days at its best, Meet up with old friends or make new ones.
ElderWoW Staff: We hope you enjoy your stay here, because we will enjoy having you around!

►Join the adventure Register today
►Check How To Connect


► 1 realm with the rates: x1.5
► Full support client version 3.3.5a
► Maximum working PvP and PvE content.
► PREMIUM Account, with x3 to all winning exp rates and More!
► Vote for ElderWoW and buy epic Rewards with vote points. Store
► The updates for the realm are made twice a month and more.
► Hardware for world located in central Europe.
► logon [play.elderwow.com]


Of course we also have an option for the type of players who may not have the time to play blizzlike. For this purpose there is the Premium account function.

► Upgrade experencie to x3
► Repair instant and for free all your items.
► Use private character bank, no matter where you are.
► All flight paths learned.


►Welcome to the big opening event! This is your opportunity, to join our new server and get [Perky Pug]
►Also for only this month XP Kill winning rates increased to x3.
►To get the companion send a ticket with text " ELDERPROMO "
►You will recieve an in-game mail with [Perky Pug]

The ingame mail delivery time is 1 hour.

Elderwow.com 2016
