I have noticed a lot of issues with both, and I am going to compile them all in one place. Please note, I may just not being doing something right. If that is the case, please correct me, I will test it out and report the end results of that as well. Also, please feel free to either add your own bugs, or even if you just wnt to confirm you have the same ones I m having. I will be updating as I run each one, probably doing it by two or three at a time. I will start off with what I have ran:
Unless stated as normal, assume I was running it on Heroic. Typically the game will force you to run anything below 60 on normal.
Deadmines (normal): Nothing too serious, except Glubtok spawned his Heroic as well as his normal. Cookie also spawned early. Also, I couldn't enter DM even though I was a level 80. It told me I needed to be level 10. IF you set your worldserver.txt to ignore requirements, you can enter.
Icecrown: Not sure if maybe I am doing something wrong, but I can't seem to heal Valithria. I can't access sindragosa, so finishing the instance is impossible. I will try to go back and see if there was something I missed with her though.
Firelands: Can't even enter.
Grim Batol: Can't ride the dragons to finish the quest "Soften them up", and instead of the Cho'Gall missive dropping, the courier dropped Bouquet of Roses. Mobs have instant health regen, can't damage them without using .die. Also, no credit given for dropping the final boss.
Halls of lighting: I don't recall any issues, it worked great.
Halls of stone: Brann Bronzebeard doesn't spawn. Can't get the achievement or open any of the doors without him.
Stockade: worked fine.
Shadowfang Keep: Baron Ashbury does not spawn. Could not progress past the first set of rooms.
Bastion of Twilight: Mobs regenned health instantly, .die did work. However, it will crash your game due to the Ascendant council not supposed to be dying, and then insta healing.
Pit of Saron: Can't select Tyrannus at all, though it was suggested to try .gm on. I have not tried this yet, but will test it today. Also, the slaves can not be freed.
Forge of Souls: Only issue I had here, was the quest "Inside the Frozen Citadel", where I could not click on Jaina. However, doing .quest add and adding the next quest did get around it. it worked fine, though the first time I ran it, Jaina did the script to run into the room, but never did. A reset took care of it, and she did it on the second try.
Zul'Aman: No mobs.
Stratholme: None of the quest mobs spawned, and I was not given credit for beating Balnazzar.
Violet Hold: I didn't notice any serious issues.
Ahn'Kahet: No issues.
Azjol-Nerub: No issues.
Blackfathom Deeps: I did not get credit for killing Aku'Mai
These are all I can think of that I ran off the top of my head. Again, as I run more, I will add more. If I rerun one and previous bug seems fixed, I will make note of that. Hope this helps Pewz!
Unless stated as normal, assume I was running it on Heroic. Typically the game will force you to run anything below 60 on normal.
Deadmines (normal): Nothing too serious, except Glubtok spawned his Heroic as well as his normal. Cookie also spawned early. Also, I couldn't enter DM even though I was a level 80. It told me I needed to be level 10. IF you set your worldserver.txt to ignore requirements, you can enter.
Icecrown: Not sure if maybe I am doing something wrong, but I can't seem to heal Valithria. I can't access sindragosa, so finishing the instance is impossible. I will try to go back and see if there was something I missed with her though.
Firelands: Can't even enter.
Grim Batol: Can't ride the dragons to finish the quest "Soften them up", and instead of the Cho'Gall missive dropping, the courier dropped Bouquet of Roses. Mobs have instant health regen, can't damage them without using .die. Also, no credit given for dropping the final boss.
Halls of lighting: I don't recall any issues, it worked great.
Halls of stone: Brann Bronzebeard doesn't spawn. Can't get the achievement or open any of the doors without him.
Stockade: worked fine.
Shadowfang Keep: Baron Ashbury does not spawn. Could not progress past the first set of rooms.
Bastion of Twilight: Mobs regenned health instantly, .die did work. However, it will crash your game due to the Ascendant council not supposed to be dying, and then insta healing.
Pit of Saron: Can't select Tyrannus at all, though it was suggested to try .gm on. I have not tried this yet, but will test it today. Also, the slaves can not be freed.
Forge of Souls: Only issue I had here, was the quest "Inside the Frozen Citadel", where I could not click on Jaina. However, doing .quest add and adding the next quest did get around it. it worked fine, though the first time I ran it, Jaina did the script to run into the room, but never did. A reset took care of it, and she did it on the second try.
Zul'Aman: No mobs.
Stratholme: None of the quest mobs spawned, and I was not given credit for beating Balnazzar.
Violet Hold: I didn't notice any serious issues.
Ahn'Kahet: No issues.
Azjol-Nerub: No issues.
Blackfathom Deeps: I did not get credit for killing Aku'Mai
These are all I can think of that I ran off the top of my head. Again, as I run more, I will add more. If I rerun one and previous bug seems fixed, I will make note of that. Hope this helps Pewz!