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DreamLands WoW 3.3.5 Blizzlike


Trial Member
Come join us and relive the glory of the Wrath of the Lich King days at its best. Meet up with old friends or make new ones.

We have a 99% uptime server, and we won't stop there... our target is to give you the best WotLK server in the world. We are here to stay!
We are a rapidly growing community and we welcome all players of any ages, new or experienced alike.

Rates: x1 (BlizzLike)

Website: DreamLandsWoW.servegame.com

Facebook: (fb link removed to possible scam)DreamLandsWoW

If you need to download the client, feel free to use this link:
Click Here


Gold Supporter
Epic Member
Certain information should be updated and extended A LOT

Perhaps bug fixes? ( changelogs )
rapidly growing is actually not true as i've seen over the past days. You guys have not increased within player base of more than 10-15, 4 MAX online

I am not trying to bash in any way. just telling the truth so u can easily fix it yourself.

1. Get a real domain, It looks better and more professional and CONVENIENT to play on
2. http://dreamlandswow.servegame.com/ FIXING the errors. it can easily be exploited by any user. which also can be the death of your website PERHAPS entire machine.
3. Get 2 hosts. one for the server itself and one for the website. In that case if the in-game server goes down. the website will still be up and you may notify the players and the community about any ongoing maintenance. Perhaps Announcements about a DDoS attack? General Anything
4. 99%uptime. Sure i believe you but it's not unique. EVERYONE has that. it's sorta self explaining that the server SHOULD BE 99% ONLINE AT ALL TIME except maintenance and restarts ofc.
5. Offer a promotion to the new comers. Perhaps instant lvl 68 for 1 character? so they may skip the lvling from 1 - 68. Perhaps provide them with lvling gear?
6. try to offer something UNIQUE and NEVER SEEN BEFORE.

Good things. Hosting your server in romania is extremely smart. It cannot be affected by any form of DMCA or blizzard Agency whatsoever ( not sure about the DMCA part, but it doesn't apply that easily in romania as it does in america )

here is a loop hole again. http://www.infobyip.com/ipwhois-dreamlandswow.servegame.com.html

The domain you are using as of right now is registered in the united states of America. Which means blizzard can sue you.
Change that and it will be difficult for them but yet not impossible.

" Registrant Country: US "