We are looking for sponsors to help fund our development, all sponsors we become highly valued members of community (Legend Rank of our community's forum)
Want to double your money? Invest in Hell Storm Entertainment
we will match your contributions to our server and give you a 3.5% of our monthly donations
you donate $25 you make back $50 + 1 month of donations(3.5)
so lets say you donate $25 you will earn 2x your donations + 3.5% of 1 months of donation (the higher you donate the more you make back)
Example 25x2 = 50
500/03.5 = 142.86
142.86+50 = 192.86
that's 167.86 of profit just from donating $25 (Monthly donation variables may vary on increases of donation pool)
Contact us via skype!

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Sponsor donations will go towards server funding (development,OVH hosting, advertisement)