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Domain config


Verified Member
can someone explain me how to use my new domain (.net) With cloudflare and connect to my worldserver and authserver ports? I already tried use SRV and make logon bind to port 8085 but if i connect With the Wow.exe my Wow crash :(
Sorry my bad english


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Veteran Member
can someone explain me how to use my new domain (.net) With cloudflare and connect to my worldserver and authserver ports? I already tried use SRV and make logon bind to port 8085 but if i connect With the Wow.exe my Wow crash :(
Sorry my bad english

You don't need to do a SRV record. Make an A record on your cloudflare host such as wow.yourdomainname.net and make it point to your public IP address. Lookup your public IP address at www.whatismyip.com if you don't know it. On your router, port forward the required ports for your auth server(should be port 3724) and world server (should be port 8085) to the IP address of the computer that's hosting your WoW server. It would be a good idea to make that computer a static IP address so it doesn't change on you causing connection issues.

On the your WoW server, make sure those ports are also allowed through the computers firewall so it doesn't block you when you try to connect.

As for your WoW client, be sure to change your config file in the WTF folder along with the realmlist file in your Data>enUS (or whatever language you are using) folder.

If all of that is set correctly, you will be able to connect via the web.
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Verified Member
idk why but cloudflare don't redirect ports 8085 and 3724 withour SRV record :/
my client crash if i try use SRV record (wow error)


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Veteran Member
You don't direct ports from cloudflare, you direct them at your home router. All you're doing is setting a domain name (A record) on cloudflare so when subscribers try to connect to your your server at wow.yourdomainaddress.net, the traffic gets pointed to your home router. When the traffic packets come into your home router, there is where you want to direct where to go for ports 8085 and 3724, which is your server you're hosting your auth and world server on. Your router will filter that traffic based off your port forwarding rules on your home router, which will direct them to your WoW server within your home.