DimensionWoW is a new Wotlk 3.3.5 Server we currently have the realm DimensionX which is a 255 funserver realm! In the future we are planing to add more realms.
DimensionWoW is focusing on growing big with a big player base and we will do everything in our power to get there. That means we are doing everything we can to make all you players out there happy and our staff team are here 24/7 to help you with anything you need. If you find any bugs or get stuck and our website unstucker doesn't fix it just make an ingame ticket and there will be a GM with you very soon!

Realm: DimensionX
Stats: 255 Funserver!
Leveling type: Level from level 1 to 255 on the leveling road!
Custom level: High! A lot custom stuff! such as:
Custom Instances/Raids, Custom Gear and Custom Gear Quests for better gear!
Core: Custom Trinity core 3.3.5!
Running on: A VPS! Server is very stable and never crashes!
A 255 Funserver where you start at level 1 and level your way to 255 on our leveling road! When you hit 255 you go to our single instance and grind some starting gear! After that you start doing normal instances for gear and raids! Battlegrounds will also reward PvP Gear in the future! The server is running on a very stable core and never crashes!

The gear shown here is MAGE donation gear! This gear wont be Over Powered when all the gear is done!

Realmlist: Dimensionwow.no-ip.biz
DimensionWoW Website: http://dimension-wow.com
Facebook: https://(fb link removed to possible scam)pages/Dimensionwow/1500799663499801?ref=hl
Teamspeak: wva001.gavs.us:49109