- 122
- 2017
- 22
Hello colleagues today I am looking for experienced staff.
- Core Developers:
+ Script PvE and PvP Content;
+ Corrections (Spells, Talents, Azerite System, Item Effects, etc.).
- Database Developers - SmartAI to script:
+ Zones;
+ Quests;
+ Scenarios;
+ Instances;
Please keep in mind that quality is the most important factor for us.
We are aiming to be a qualitative blizzlike Cataclysm-V4.3.4 Server.
more information in discord: zeus#6917
- Core Developers:
+ Script PvE and PvP Content;
+ Corrections (Spells, Talents, Azerite System, Item Effects, etc.).
- Database Developers - SmartAI to script:
+ Zones;
+ Quests;
+ Scenarios;
+ Instances;
Please keep in mind that quality is the most important factor for us.
We are aiming to be a qualitative blizzlike Cataclysm-V4.3.4 Server.
more information in discord: zeus#6917