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Developer making custom repacks for people upon request!


Verified Member
Hi! xXGRiMXx here, I'm making repacks for anyone wanting a custom repack made for them! I have made repacks and developed emulation cores for people for free for years now just because i enjoy doing it. It was fun, you can look up old repacks i made on Google. Usually released on Ac-Web, and MMowned which is now known as OwnedCore, but now i am starting to make specific custom repacks for people for sale. Now this is how it would work.

Private message me on here with what you are looking for such as. You would want a server made that's Level 255 funrealm with leveling road, mall, etc... or just a blizzlike realm or instant 60, 70, 80, or 85 PVP server to where you would have to work for your pvp gear such as you start out with starter gear and then get arena points or honor points to buy new gear and stuff. Really anything you want! Ill make it reality! Now pricing could range anywhere from $20 to even $100 depending on how much work will be needing done to the repack! Pricing will be settled upon request. If you like and agree with my offer then you will pay 10% or 15% depending on the price to assure your commitment and that im not just making this for no reason. Now i WILL be talking to you everyday letting you know the status of the repack and also to mention the repack WILL NOT be tagged "Made by xXGRiMXx" or anything. It will be completely YOURS. It will be a server completely emulating the game World of Warcraft. You can do what you want to it. You will have complete rights to the server.

Now i do offer to set up a simple website for your repack! Weather it be a simple account creation page or a complete website with vote page, donation page, forum, etc.... Pricing will be negotiable on this.

If interested please PM me on here with the following info:


Core: (What core you would like it to run on) I can suggest a certain core that will run best with your specific server you would like to run.
Server Type: (Funrealm, Battlegrounds realm, Blizzlike, high rate, midrate, etc..)
Expansion: (Would you want it to run on 1.12.1, 2.4.3, 3.3.5a, or 4.3.4)
Website: (Yes/No and if so what you would be wanting.)
Specifics: (Then here will be the server specifics. Anything you want on the server you would tell me here, like what you would want the server to have a mall or level road to specific level. Even if you want the highest level just 100. I can make a specific area you can level 85 to 100 with custom items, quests, monsters etc...)


This is a serious service so SERIOUS buyers ONLY! I am the only person making these repacks so the faster you request a server the faster the repack with be in production. I will not be able to start the production if im already in progress in making another server for someone else. Depending on the circumstances i could do something to hold you off such as give you a website setup so you can configure it with your server info so when im done with the realm you can have both at the same time, or compile a core for you and you can mess around on it until i can get on and fix it and set it up for you!​

Thanks for reading guys!​