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Deposit item in guild bank closes guild mates inventory window and one NPC placement


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I searched the forum to see if this had been posted prior but did not find any mention of it.
When a guild member puts an item in one of the guild bank slots other guild members, not even close by, have their inventory windows close.
Can someone else confirm this behavior?

One other minor issue is the placement of Captain Parker ID number 464. He should be at the top of the tower as you enter Redridge from Elwynn Forest. I did not see him anywhere around. I even tried to /target him thinking he may have spawned in a wall of below ground but got nothing. Once he is spawned, I did it via GM commands, his quests work properly so it is just his placement.


Mr. Satan

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I searched the forum to see if this had been posted prior but did not find any mention of it.
When a guild member puts an item in one of the guild bank slots other guild members, not even close by, have their inventory windows close.
Can someone else confirm this behavior?

One other minor issue is the placement of Captain Parker ID number 464. He should be at the top of the tower as you enter Redridge from Elwynn Forest. I did not see him anywhere around. I even tried to /target him thinking he may have spawned in a wall of below ground but got nothing. Once he is spawned, I did it via GM commands, his quests work properly so it is just his placement.


Thanks for the bug report.
I haven't tested it out myself, but I'd imagine the placement of Captain Parker has possibly already been fixed in the newest VIP version. Could be wrong, though.
If you want to post a fix for everyone, and make it easier for the developers, you could post the database query for him, if you know how to do that. If not, don't worry.

As for the guild bank, it wouldn't have anything to do with proximity, so don't worry about that part.
When you say inventory, do you mean the guild inventory, or just their inventory? (I imagine only the guild inventory, but just making sure here)
I'm not sure why it would do that. While it is a minor bug, I'm sure it can be quite annoying, especially if a guild member decides to mess with people by constantly taking an item out, then putting it back in, causing member's to not be able to see the guild inventory.
I haven't been able to see this bug, solely because I don't play multiplayer on this repack. I only set it up and play single player for the quests.

Last question: What version are you using? Just to make sure.


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I am on version 6 (free version) so it is possible these issue may have already been addressed. I should just become a VIP member (not like the cost will break the bank) to get the latest version so I am not having you devs chasing already fixed bugs.

I tried to update the creature table to fix Guard Parker without using the in-game GM commands but it does not work. The sql update works find but if I remove the entry the GM command adds he does not spawn. The entry in the creature table matches identically except for the GUID of course.

Here is the update I was working on:
update `creature` set `zone` = 44, `area` = 5337, `equipment_id` = 1, `position_x` = -9625.47, `position_y` = -1867.31, `position_z` = 99.2511, `orientation` = 1.01664, `curhealth` = 1910 where `guid` = 41613

If someone would care to point out what I am over looking I am willing to learn.

I also found another bug with the "Unseen" mobs in Duskwood. They agro everyone and being that they are level 51 a level 20 character can't even get close to some locations. I was able to get around this by setting the faction_a and faction_h to 1 in the creature_template table but this is not a proper fix. I think the faction should be 15 but not 100% sure.

As for the guild bank issue it closes other guild members normal bag inventory. If you are selling off gear or just have your inventory open and me being in the same guild drops an item in the guild bank your inventory will close.

Not an earth shattering issue but yeah it can be annoying. Luck for me there is only a two players on the server ( my wife and I) so we just announce to each other when we are getting in the guild bank :cool:

Wish I could help out more but still learning. The last emu project I worked on year ago was L2J (Lineage 2) and the last WOW was vanilla (Mangos) way, way back. Much has changed since those days.