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Defiance wow - Wotlk lvl 60


Trial Member
Hi ,today i want to introduced you to our new server Defiance wow :

- Wotlk client with level 60 locked
- 71 talents point when lvl 60
- level 80 spells available to trainer when you reach lvl 60
- Auto learning spells while leveling
- Progressiv raid release (actually mc and onyxia)
- Old raid downported , naxx and ony 60
- Transmog feature
- Solo rdf and solo dungeons enabled
- Raid tuned for 3-5 players
- x5 rates
- Feature that give you another x5 xp boost for every level 60 on your account.
- Random enchant system that gives you up to 3 random enchant on gear you drop from mobs/quests or craft
- Crossfaction
- Dk available when you have a level 55 on your account.
- Shaman for aly / Paladin for horde available
- AH bot soon
- Working on pvp bots system for later.

Discord : https://discord.gg/aevfTqyv
Website : https://defiancewow.info
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