Gold Supporter
- 8
- 2019
- 0
[Location, Faction, Race] - Command: .gps [Player: Lifeknight (Account: 12) X: 2390.639160 Y: -5897.405273 Z: 109.242348 Map: 609 Selected none: (GUID: 0)]
DK starter area, All factions and races impacted.
[Name, Type] object=inconspicuous mine car in quest Massacre at Light's Point (DB Object 190767)
[Problem] NPC does not spawn to pull the mine car. output from the worldserver console is "OnGossipHello player is not on the vehicle."
[How it should work] Following some gossip text a dwarf miner should appear and pull the inconspicous mine car to the ships at Light's Point.
The player then exits the mine car and controls one of the canon on the ship to complete the quest.
DK starter area, All factions and races impacted.
[Name, Type] object=inconspicuous mine car in quest Massacre at Light's Point (DB Object 190767)
[Problem] NPC does not spawn to pull the mine car. output from the worldserver console is "OnGossipHello player is not on the vehicle."
[How it should work] Following some gossip text a dwarf miner should appear and pull the inconspicous mine car to the ships at Light's Point.
The player then exits the mine car and controls one of the canon on the ship to complete the quest.