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Deadmines - Compilation (v10.1)


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
[Location, Faction, Race]Deadmines(Normal), Alliance, Night Elf
[Name, Type] Majority of all Entities inside
[Problem Description] 90% of all Spawns are double, some even trippled (Defias Reaper in Foundry for example)
[How it should work] Overall alot less spawns, Singular boss spawns.

[Name, Type] Kobold Digger(48229), Ogre Henchman(48230), Goblin Overseer(48279), Mine Bunny(48338), Oaf Lackey(48445), Defias Envoker(48418), Defias Miner(48419), Defias Enforcer(48502), Defias Blood Wizard(48417), Defias Pirate(48522), Defias Squallshaper(48521), Defias Shadowguard(48505)
[Problem Description] Listed mobs drop [Ruined Embersilk Scrap](68198), Majority(If not all) Also drops [Scavanged Animal Parts](68197)
[How it should work] This is a mob drop from Lv80+ and also does not drop inside Deadmines(Normal), Its a DM(Heroic) exclusive drop.

[Name, Type] Lieutenant Horatio Laine
[Problem Description] 2x Stealthed quest givers, 2x ones that just says "Greetings nameofplayer"
[How it should work] Only the one in the Back should be there (He is also the only one that is spawned once

[Name, Type] Mining Powder
[Problem Description] Double spawned + Invalid Health
[How it should work] Single spawns - Health should be very low like 1-5, currently around 150-200

Glubtok - Seems very Blizzlike :good: (Just double spawned)

* Door behind Glubtok missing
* Door into Mast Room missing

[Name, Type] Helix Gearbreaker
[Problem Description] When going into Phase 2 he jumpes ontop of someone and then you cant target him, after a second or two he will vanish and you "cant" kill him. (Sometimes he comes back after a very random amount of time) (Also Double spawned)
[How it should work] Phase 2 - He will jump someone and ride on them while throwing bombs. Should be killable during this. (Should obv. only be one also ^^)

*Door out of Mast Room missing
*Door into Foundry missing

Foe Reaper 5000 - Seems very Blizzlike :good: (Just double spawned)

*Door out of Foundry missing

* Cannon + Door before "Gauntlet" is missing

* "Gauntlet" Cannons are not shooting

[Name, Type] Mr. Smite
[Problem Description] Exists (In GM Mode only, so not really an issue)
[How it should work] Mr. Smite does no longer exist in the revamped Deadmines version

Admiral Ripsnarl - Seems very Blizzlike :good:

"Captain" Cookie - Seems very Blizzlike :good:

Not possible to reset Deadmines via the 'Reset Instance' button.

Fixing stuff via Truice would be 'pointless' right? Since it would only make the changes in my DB. How could I go about and make a fix that could be applied for everyone? (If needed, unless v11 / something in the future has already fixed this that is)
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Thanks for the reports! Most of this will be fixed on next revision :) (version 11) - including all spawns / double spawns


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Ok, Cool :)
Is there a list of compiled known errors? It would be nice knowing whats already confirmed non working so I dont go around making duplicate posts (Sure I could just check here, but is there a larger list you guys have thats 'public' for us?)
If not I might make just a compilation thread of stuff that me and my friends find when playing through the Repack.
(I always make sure stuff they tell me is bugged is actually bugged by verifying myself on a non gm character, because sometimes people are silly :p)


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Helix is sadly still broken, and when the ogre charges with a player now in v11 he goes through the world and not even in the correct direction with the charge :p
For some reason Quartermaster Lewis is located close to the end up on the ship.
Captain Greenskin is located on the deck with Ripsnarl (Greenskin was removed in the rework of Deadmines), However only 2 characters could see him for some reason (non gm accounts)
2x Invisible (only seen in GM) Mayhem Reaper Prototypes are located just before the Ripsnarl encounter engages alliance players and kill them without them being able to do anything.
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Silver Supporter
I searched and could not find a reported bug or same issue posted, and this one about deadmines seems appropriate:

There appear to be some invisible untargetable creatures (enemies) inside the start of the instance.
They kill everyone and mean that cannot do the instance at all.

Is there a patch (sql etc) or known issue?
Is there a way to 'kill all enemies inside a ten foot radius of me'?
Is there a secret way to kill whatever just hit me?
Is there a way to find them and nuke them in SQL?

They are invisible enemies because if i turn cheat God on, i get hit but no damage, and then if i teleport around the starting area a bit, it takes them the time it would form them to find/run to my new location before i get hit again.

Thank you greatly in advance for any assistance. :)

(version 12 Cataclysm fresh install)

P.S. i am willing to help debug etc, i.e. if you tell me the best table in the worldDb to use / how or where i should look to find creatures near that .gps coo-rds or how i could find instances of 'invisible creatures in the database creatures entires, i will have a look at see if i can fix... :) i.e. a little overview or 'try this table, look for flag 'x'' might be a useful post too. :)
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I searched and could not find a reported bug or same issue posted, and this one about deadmines seems appropriate:

There appear to be some invisible untargetable creatures (enemies) inside the start of the instance.
They kill everyone and mean that cannot do the instance at all.

Is there a patch (sql etc) or known issue?
Is there a way to 'kill all enemies inside a ten foot radius of me'?
Is there a secret way to kill whatever just hit me?
Is there a way to find them and nuke them in SQL?

They are invisible enemies because if i turn cheat God on, i get hit but no damage, and then if i teleport around the starting area a bit, it takes them the time it would form them to find/run to my new location before i get hit again.

Thank you greatly in advance for any assistance. :)

(version 12 Cataclysm fresh install)

P.S. i am willing to help debug etc, i.e. if you tell me the best table in the worldDb to use / how or where i should look to find creatures near that .gps coo-rds or how i could find instances of 'invisible creatures in the database creatures entires, i will have a look at see if i can fix... :) i.e. a little overview or 'try this table, look for flag 'x'' might be a useful post too. :)

Fixed on V13, thanks :)