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Dead Shadowglen Sentinels in the VIP8 repack


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The mountains, WV, USA
First off. Sorry I posted bug related things in the wrong areas in the past. I didn't know at that time. lol Second I am sorry I am not more helpful. As I said in the past? My health isn't so good, and at times I go weeks off of my computer. I recently downloaded the Newest VIP build, and got my butt on a bit though. Thank you, for an even better Server as always! :) I made a night elf druid to poke around a bit in starter area, and noticed something you might want to know. All the Shadowglen Sentinels are dead. Even the Roaming ones slide across the ground dead as nails. lol I tried using GM command .respawn, and even .die then respawn on them. Strangely enough? .die kills the dead sentinels, or "rekills"? A bit weird I guess, but that's what it does. I tried an old trick I learned in the past. I used level change on them. This brought them back to life, but unfortunately? GM commands allow max level set at 88. The sentinels are all 90 there. Not sure why, or if that was why they are dead. Database modifying in Navicat is still a thing I have only lightly dabbled with "guild rank, reps, etc. Not quest, or NPC modifying/creating. However, this WILL work "for the time being, for use database dummies" like me? lol Using a lvl 3 account. Click each NPC, and type .npc set level 88 - hit enter. They are at least then alive! :D lol Hope this is of some use as to "why" they are all dead to the scripter/programmers, and at least for the the rest of us "for the time being"? This will work. :)


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Senior User
First off. Sorry I posted bug related things in the wrong areas in the past. I didn't know at that time. lol Second I am sorry I am not more helpful. As I said in the past? My health isn't so good, and at times I go weeks off of my computer. I recently downloaded the Newest VIP build, and got my butt on a bit though. Thank you, for an even better Server as always! :) I made a night elf druid to poke around a bit in starter area, and noticed something you might want to know. All the Shadowglen Sentinels are dead. Even the Roaming ones slide across the ground dead as nails. lol I tried using GM command .respawn, and even .die then respawn on them. Strangely enough? .die kills the dead sentinels, or "rekills"? A bit weird I guess, but that's what it does. I tried an old trick I learned in the past. I used level change on them. This brought them back to life, but unfortunately? GM commands allow max level set at 88. The sentinels are all 90 there. Not sure why, or if that was why they are dead. Database modifying in Navicat is still a thing I have only lightly dabbled with "guild rank, reps, etc. Not quest, or NPC modifying/creating. However, this WILL work "for the time being, for use database dummies" like me? lol Using a lvl 3 account. Click each NPC, and type .npc set level 88 - hit enter. They are at least then alive! :D lol Hope this is of some use as to "why" they are all dead to the scripter/programmers, and at least for the the rest of us "for the time being"? This will work. :)
its because they are not dead, the problem is with their heatlh mod, if you put heatlhmod=1 then they will be alive no problemo
Here, query to help you

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `Health_mod` = 1 WHERE `entry` = 12160;


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Thank you so much for taking time to help me. I am truly grateful. But I must confess something. So people don't think I am ungrateful, or simply "thick"? I am still A LOT illiterate with programing/scripting, period. :X Would give my soul to be able to actually do what you guys do. MAKE something, from NOTHING, and bring it to life..... lol To understand in detail how to script events, quest, movements, etc. To change "phases" when needed for various quest advances/video sequals? To add/update databases, or merge them even? I often see "dead looking" things sliding on ground in many places, on any repack. (I understand this is minor to what you guys need to prioritize). So much work you have to do. ughhh :eek: But sadly? Most are not even clickable, and so I cannot even "rigup" repair them. :/ I (respectfully) envy your knowledge. :cool:

I have never wanted to bug people to teach me, and can only learn things generally by trial & error, unless I got lucky "rarely", and figgured out the proper thing to google for my problems as I learn. To actually assemble, and RUN a repack. To get, and install everything to do so? Took me a VERY long time. Java based things like minecraft? Even harder to grasp... heh I have learned a bit here. But often explainations fly over my head. I can tear down bore & hone an engine, and rebuild it on a muscle car. (as health allows) To me, this is simple, and I have to remind myself it is not that way for everyone. (what is easy, and simple in 1 mind, is often total hyroglyphics to another mind?) lol xD So I was PC illiteral 100% at first. :X Now I repair many, and add O/S.

Got to understand. There "were NO computers", when I was in school. Period. Plus I cannot afford tech schooling. lol :D So self-learning has been an uphill battle! :eek: I just knew they had zero hit points, and it said dead on them. Sorry about that. lol :eek: Still "attempting" to learn. When I started out? I had never even modified a folder? Didn't even know what a repack was. Much less how to assemble, or run it? My desire to learn came from my increasing dislike for the new warcraft. Now I can do various fixes "at least useable" with GM commands in game, adjust server settings in World.conf, and do "VERY" minor modifications in DB using Navicat. I can make the server online for friends, and the client will update from scratch from the MySQL DB on their clients. So to me? I have overcame some (to me hopeless) obstacles! xD

Never ran an update in the database. So is this query to be ran in the wold.conf command window, or in-game? and does healthmod=1. Is this a setting it the world.conf file I need change the setting of? Or a setting in the DB using Navicat? <--- (was hell to learn btw?) lol I did paste eyerobot's auction bot thing to the world.conf. server still runs, AH Bot works. So I SLOWLY am learning? I knew nothing period starting out.
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Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
I'll post something in the sql how to thread about using Heidsql. In the meantime there are ingame commands you can use for things you can't click. .npc near .gobject near. If your next to something and it won't show up then it's probably just there for looks.


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I'll post something in the sql how to thread about using Heidsql. In the meantime there are ingame commands you can use for things you can't click. .npc near .gobject near. If your next to something and it won't show up then it's probably just there for looks.

I use Navicat for MySQL v8.0 pro. Not used heidiSQL as it was difficult for me when I tried it. Plus Navicat pro was free on the now defunct Kickass torrent "rest in peace" shut down by the DLM right whiners here in the U.S. :p Will that matter with "the how to thread" using NavicatSQL, not HeidiSQL? These creatures/NPC should be clickable I mention. "example the mamoths in northern are sliding on ground dead". (or still were still from vers 4-VIP7) i know, and are on most repacks. These, should be clickable, but won't select. So they always remain dead. lol I lack the "know-how" to fix it, and the world won't end over it, but they were the prime source for chilled meat "better drop rate". I assume this is low priority on the list as it has been/is that way on almost every repack. I mentioned the sentinels only because previously. They were not dead. :D lol If you ever make any videos of ANYTHING server related? Hook me up. I am a hands-on guy. I learn much better that way with anything. :) Thank you, as always.

PS. .npc near .gobject near? How do those work? Not found those in my endevours. :eek:
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Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Everything within ten yards shows up on your chat box, stand by a creature and type .npc near.
The mammoths in Northern where? We only have one bug report forum, And almost nobody is using it. So i spend my time playing through an area, And fixing everything i see that's broken.
Take it from me, Navicat will destroy your database eventually. It alters your data to suit itself, And eventually you wind up with thousands of errors, And don't know where they came from. It happened to me, And many others. The switch from navicat to heidisql can be confusing. But it you spend a few days in heidisql, You will forget everything you thought you knew about navicat.