- 59
- 2020
- 13
Does anyone else has this same issue?
On my greenfield/out of the box VIP 13 Cataclysm 4.3.4 server, the "date and time for events" seem out of sync with the "local time and date"
The server displays the right time at the minimap, but the timing of events are seemingly off by 6 hours and 6 days.
For example:
Sundays between 1400 and 1600h local time, I expect the Stranglethorn Fishing contest to be active.
I notice in both Horde and Alliance cities Orgrimmar and Ironforge the "Fishing contect Announcers" serving the contest fliers.
But when navigating Stranglethorn Vale north and south, I notice ZERO fishing pools between 1300h and 1700h local time.
Another example:
Halloween Event
should run from October 18th 0100h until October 31 2359h
On my server it ran from October 13th ????h until October 27th 1800h
Upcoming saturday evening I'm gonna try Kaluak Fishing
to see if the event time is indeed 6 hours off...
I also looked a couple of times through my worldserver.conf, but couldn't find anything besides this piece of code.
I changed the setting from 2 to 8 to test if the setting also applies to timezone (which it doesn't
On my greenfield/out of the box VIP 13 Cataclysm 4.3.4 server, the "date and time for events" seem out of sync with the "local time and date"
The server displays the right time at the minimap, but the timing of events are seemingly off by 6 hours and 6 days.
For example:
Sundays between 1400 and 1600h local time, I expect the Stranglethorn Fishing contest to be active.
I notice in both Horde and Alliance cities Orgrimmar and Ironforge the "Fishing contect Announcers" serving the contest fliers.
But when navigating Stranglethorn Vale north and south, I notice ZERO fishing pools between 1300h and 1700h local time.
Another example:
Halloween Event
should run from October 18th 0100h until October 31 2359h
On my server it ran from October 13th ????h until October 27th 1800h
Upcoming saturday evening I'm gonna try Kaluak Fishing
to see if the event time is indeed 6 hours off...
I also looked a couple of times through my worldserver.conf, but couldn't find anything besides this piece of code.
I changed the setting from 2 to 8 to test if the setting also applies to timezone (which it doesn't
# RealmZone
# Description: Server realm zone. Set allowed alphabet in character, etc. names.
# Default 1 - (Development - any language)
# 2 - (United States - extended-Latin)
# 3 - (Oceanic - extended-Latin)
# 4 - (Latin America - extended-Latin)
# 5 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 6 - (Korea - East-Asian)
# 7 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 8 - (English - extended-Latin)
# 9 - (German - extended-Latin)
# 10 - (French - extended-Latin)
# 11 - (Spanish - extended-Latin)
# 12 - (Russian - Cyrillic)
# 13 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 14 - (Taiwan - East-Asian)
# 15 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 16 - (China - East-Asian)
# 17 - (CN1 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 18 - (CN2 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 19 - (CN3 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 20 - (CN4 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 21 - (CN5 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 22 - (CN6 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 23 - (CN7 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 24 - (CN8 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 25 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 26 - (Test Server - any language)
# 27 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 28 - (QA Server - any language)
# 29 - (CN9 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
#RealmZone = 2
RealmZone = 8