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Database question


Verified Member
Howdy. I made a web status display for my MoP server because I saw all those data sitting there and wanted to do something with it, lol. A few things are stymying me though. Does anyone know how to find one's max HP in the DB? I see mop_characters.characters has a field "health", but that's just current HP. I can't figure out where in the world it is getting the max from.

I was also rather disappointed to see that it also has fields for total kills, kills today and kills yesterday but they must never have implemented it because they're all zeroes. That would've been cool to have. I also noticed the stat fields like strength, agility, intelligence, etc are zeroes for all characters as well. Where does the system store them?

Any idea?


Verified Member
PS also does anyone know if there is a list somewhere of values? Like what number equates to an attribute, or an inventory type, etc. I've been just trying to play the game and use items in game then look at the DB to translate. So like I have this so far:
foreach (["stats","races","classes","slots"] AS $f) $cfg[$f] = [];
  $cfg["stats"][3] = "Agility";
  $cfg["stats"][4] = "Strength";
  $cfg["stats"][5] = "Intellect";
  $cfg["stats"][6] = "Spirit";
  $cfg["stats"][7] = "Stamina";
  $cfg["stats"][31] = "Hit";
  $cfg["stats"][32] = "Critical Strike";
  $cfg["races"] = [];
  $cfg["races"][1] = "Human";
  $cfg["races"][2] = "Orc";
  $cfg["races"][3] = "Dwarf";
  $cfg["races"][4] = "Night Elf";
  $cfg["races"][5] = "Undead";
  $cfg["races"][6] = "Tauren";
  $cfg["races"][7] = "Gnome";
  $cfg["races"][8] = "Troll";
  $cfg["races"][9] = "Goblin";
  $cfg["races"][10] = "Blood Elf";
  $cfg["races"][11] = "Dranei";
  $cfg["races"][22] = "Worgen";
  $cfg["races"][24] = "Pandaren";
  $cfg["races"][25] = "Tushui Pandaren";
  $cfg["races"][26] = "Huojin Pandaren";

  $cfg["classes"] = [];
  $cfg["classes"][1] = "Warrior";
  $cfg["classes"][2] = "Paladin";
  $cfg["classes"][3] = "Hunter";
  $cfg["classes"][4] = "Rogue";
  $cfg["classes"][5] = "Priest";
  $cfg["classes"][6] = "Death Knight";
  $cfg["classes"][7] = "Shaman";
  $cfg["classes"][8] = "Mage";
  $cfg["classes"][9] = "Warlock";
  $cfg["classes"][10] = "Monk";
  $cfg["classes"][11] = "Druid";
  $cfg["slots"] = [];
  $cfg["slots"][0] = "Head";
  $cfg["slots"][1] = "Neck";
  $cfg["slots"][2] = "Shoulder";
  $cfg["slots"][3] = "Shirt";
  $cfg["slots"][4] = "Chest";
  $cfg["slots"][5] = "Waist";
  $cfg["slots"][6] = "Legs";
  $cfg["slots"][7] = "Feet";
  $cfg["slots"][8] = "Wrist";
  $cfg["slots"][9] = "Hands";
  $cfg["slots"][10] = "Ring";
  $cfg["slots"][14] = "Back";
  $cfg["slots"][15] = "Weapon";
  $cfg["slots"][16] = "Off Hand";
  $cfg["slots"][19] = "Bag 4";
  $cfg["slots"][20] = "Bag 3";
  $cfg["slots"][21] = "Bag 2";
  $cfg["slots"][22] = "Bag 1";
...but I'd love to just find a list somewhere so I don't have to go through this rigamarole lol