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Dark WoW | 1.12.1 | 1x Blizzlike | No Store | Recruitment Thread

dark wow

Trial Member
Greetings Refugees,

We would like to present you new server called 'Dark WoW", our first realm will be called Darkmoon, and it will be vanilla 1x blizzlike. We are in partnership with Getmangos team, by that i mean we recieve alot of support from them, so and help. Our goal is to get players that will help us solve issues on our realm/website/forum by reporting them here. At momment everything is still under construction, so the realm launch will happen very soon!

We have added auction house module, that was out of date for mangos, so and bug report thing. We also have been connected our website with forum, when you register on site, you are registered on forum aswell, if you retrieve your password on website, the password will be retrieved and for forum, and changed aswell. Same happends for email! (Very soon will be implemented and SSO Single login for both sites]
We decided to not open Store thing, and the reason is we dont want pay2win things.

Developer - Needs to have atleast expirience in fixing spells/instances and to be in possibility to work in database. Proof of work or fix of some bug that we find, before aceppting in team.

Game Master - Needs to speak fluently English, it is a must to know all commands of mangos. You will be tested in this position more once server is up.

To apply for Developer sign here (Registration Required)

To apply for GM and Forum Moderator Sign here (Registration Required)

If you would like to register, or check our forum, please do it in links under this text

Register link is here
Forum link is here

Stay tunned for more informations.

Best Regards,
Dark WoW


Gold Supporter
Epic Member
Best of luck!

Yes i must admit that the website is quite interesting