I've been having problem with this as well. But i just made a script for item creation.
First of all, i tried to keep it detailed, therefore all fields are required to fill/choose. Putting "0" (without quotes) in a field is far better than leaving it blank. Also i know there is no graphic, its just a visual freak

But it works 100% with emucoach cata repack db.
I will make it more useful when I have time. Also I'm planning to sperate scripts for bags/weapons/armors etc, so you won't need to struggle with all the details for an item that don't use special options.
If you have a question or find a bug, just leave a message here or PM me.
P.S: Script gives you the SQL query that produced by your choices. All you need is copy the query and run it in your SQL Client (Navicat, HeidiSQL etc).