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Currency any command to add?


Verified Member
I would like to ask a question about currency like justice points or valor points or conquest points or honor points
There is any command to add some to a character?


Veteran Member
You shouldn't have any player selected, even yourself. If in doubt, hit escape until you pull up the in-game menu, then one more time to get rid of it. You should then have nobody selected, no chat box open, nothing. Just your normal UI. Then press enter to bring up the chat box, type in the command as given to you, and if you do it right, you should get like a 1000 points. However, if you have not gone in and removed the currency cap in the worldserver.con file, you will be maxed out at 4000. Also, when you do this, the increments are messed up, and you need to do at least five 0's at the end of a number to get 1000 points. (Or whatever number you put first)